(no subject)

Feb 15, 2005 16:21

Got this from Sam:

Do you have a job: No sir.
What are you scared of: Wasps, bees, other stinger bugs with needles attached to their butts, needles, anything that hurts...needles...
Have you every done drugs? no, don't feel the need to
Who's your role model: Um...duh, I think you guys already know this one...but just for the sake of people who have absolutely no clue what's going on in my life:
Kristin Chenoweth
Do you collect anything: no, I'm a loser
Do you get along with your parents: yes
Are you ticklish: If I tell you...promise you won't tickle me...um, YES.
Are you a night or morning person?: Night, baby!
Are you lefty or righty or ambidextrous?: Righty
When was the last time you laughed really hard?: Today at lunch:
"Why the fuck did you think I said eating squirrels in America??"
"Because it's just no fun in Europe."

Hahahahahahahahaha, I ♥ Monica. Well, both you Monica's, but I'm talking Taravella Monica, lol.
How many rings before you answer the phone?: Um...whenever I get to it...if my hands aren't sticky or wet
Do you believe in God?: Don't know...Ignostic...but I'm also a kinda Wiccan Jew for "Jesus" (not the real one, the Godspell one in Gisbert's show, lol)
Do you believe there is one person who is meant to be with you?: Pshhhhhh yeah...Norbert Leo Butz!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh...oh, and Hayden Christensen...yeah, him too...and Leonardo Dicaprio, and Johnny Depp, and fbdibfjkshfjkhnjksnjsk...oh screw it, I'll settle for NORBERT, BABY!!!!!!!!!
What color toothbrush do you use: Red
What is under your bed: Clothes...dust bunnies...what Greg, Josh, Philip and his Sarah got me for my Birthday...Oh Jesus mother homie gangster...sorry guys, it's still unused...and sorry to Monica too, lol.
How are your grades in school: Good...for now...dun dun dunnnnn
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: sometimes

OK, now onto my boring, no-play-as-of-right-now life. Yeah.

Now, I promise this is not some pathetic attempt to get some pity from anyone, I've just been really insecure lately...about everything.

Just...why the fuck was I born so damn unattractive???? This sounds so stupid, but I have a low self-esteem and just can't see anything there...I just wish I could be beautiful...like Michelle, or Sami, or Hollis, or Danielle, or Erika, or...well, the list goes on for about 6859728957829735892 miles, but I don't feel like mentioning everyone, so sorry guys...

I think I'm...well..to be quite honest, kinda ugly, and it doesn't help much that like half the fucking guys in my class always said I was...and I had to put up with that shit for 4 years!!!!!! My body is, like, the only nice thing really, and maybe my eyes, but...well, shit. And now, I'm totally worried that if I keep eating like I do, maye I will actually gain a lot of weight in the near future...my mom and a friend or two kinda made me insecure about that...notintentionally though. Just by saying a few things that kinda sucked. No worries.

And then,I have my days where I just totally can't sing right, and I get really pissed at myself. It sucks. And then there are all these amazing beyond belief people at my school, and they make me really insecure...they all hate hearing it though...yeah, but anyways, my singing was the one thing that I felt separated me from everyone else...that made me different, special, w/e you wanna call it. And then all these amazing people show up, or people improve a lot in .6786538 seconds, and I get jealous of all of them even if we are nothing alike...like Sami, I was getting really jealous of you at Chess auditions, because I felt really really threatened by your performance...and Raquel (sorry, I know you hate this), Sarah, Sam, all of them are fucking incredible and make me feel like shit...and then lately, I've been feeling like absolutely no one likes me AT ALL.

I know people do this all the time, but I've just been feeling like I'm really annoying/obnoxious, and no one wants me around at all.
Danielle, mostly
Philip sometimes
Most of the AMT seniors who I don't evwn know that well anyway
And then I call people and everyone is like, "Oops, I forgot, I have to go somewhere, I can't talk right now...bye!"

And that just feels fabulous. No really, it does.
I realize there's really nothing anyone can do about that...but yeah. That's how I feel.

Well..more later.

Love you all

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