For Tara and anyone else interested....
Marian Keyes reading in Melbourne today! It was really great; she is such a lovely lady. The reading was held in a bookstore, so it was quite small. She read two chapters from her latest novel, Anybody out there? No spoilers, happily, since I haven't quite finished it. She reads very well. Of course I could
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Also, I am starting to adopt a lot more of the English terms for things since I watch a lot of British telly.
I was once asked while I was at home why I spoke English with an English accent, but I think you need to consider the source of that question in this case. She was/is not only uneducated but as stupid as the day is long as well. I should also mention that she is Mexican, but that obviously has nothing to do with stupidity and education, just accent and slang. My dad started talking about a poultry farm one day and she said "oh, you mean the chicken farm" he said "yeah, the poultry farm" to which she replied "no, they don't have poultry there, just chickens". *headdesks* He tried to explain what poultry, or fowl, was, but she didn't get it. So, as you can see, her reference to my "English" accent can be pretty much ignored. I was just speaking standardized English as opposed to Mexican slang English.
What about you, is yours becoming "polluted"
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