Title: Bridges Crossed and Burned Behind Us
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters: Azula, Zuko (not particularly shippy)
Prompt: #12 - Lose
Word Count: 170
Rating: PG
Summary: We cross our bridges and burn them behind us. And the only memory left is the smell of smoke. A collection of Azula-centric drabbles.
Disclaimer: Not my toys~!
Table here "You would do anything to win, wouldn't you?"
Azula looked up at him, from her simple meal of noodles. Earth Kingdom food was so drab. "You sound like you don't trust me."
Zuko did not budge, hands clenched in tight fists by his side. Azula thought he looked silly, too stiff and angry. Silly Zuzu. All worked up over peasants and traitors. She would never understand him. "It will work. You worry too much."
"Do you have to kill him?" Eyebrows raised. His breath was held, Azula could tell by the flush in his cheeks.
"Why, Zuko, that sounds dangerously close to treason." She brushed invisible debris from her perfect skin and returned her gaze, sharp on Zuko. "Would you rather I kill you?"
Zuko looked away, hands clenched tighter still.
She smiled as she rose from her seat, crossing the room and patting Zuko's arm. "It will work."
"What if--..."
"Zuko," she said firmly, finger pressed against his lips to silence him, "This plan is perfect. There is no room for 'what ifs'."