Drabble: Ganondorf/Midna

Dec 30, 2009 22:50

TITLE: Constructing a Tragedy
AUTHOR: unactive
FANDOM: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
PAIRING: Ganondorf/Midna. Kind of. If you squint.
GENRE: Het/Gen
LETTER: A for awry - Table 4
SUMMARY: They were already such tragic creatures, weren't they?
WARNINGS/SPOILERS: None, unless you haven't finished Twilight Princess.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The pairing will be more pronounced in the subsequent drabbles.
DISCLAIMER: Not my toys.

Their world had always been one of peace, quiet, and calm and fitting for the shadows they had become. It was easy to become complacent, lulled by routine and a sense of security they had never felt before. They walked with the heartbeat of their world.

It had become such an innate, natural part of the lives they lead, that with Ganondorf's arrival, came such a shock that rippled to the Twilight Realm's very core. The denizens were thrown into chaos and had no way to return to the peace they had once known. It was gone.

And Ganondorf made sure to stamp out all hope.

Their princess became a prize, a symbol of Ganondorf's victory over them. And they, in effect, became empty shells. Midna was gone and without her, picking up the pieces of what used to be their lives would be all but impossible.

character: ganondorf, fandom: legend of zelda, fanfiction, character: midna, pairing: ganondorf/midna, a_to_z_prompts

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