(no subject)

May 28, 2021 23:31

Hope your are well!
If you are not, I hope you get well soon and send you my best wishes.
These times are hard for all of us. Sometimes it is just too much.
Are we not all scared and exhausted from time to time?
We all handle it in a different way.
Maybe it is hiding in the back of our head or maybe we are more conscious of it.
There is this kinda lingering anxiety that we had to live with day by day for over a year now.
It is presenting itself differntly for each of us.
For example, for me going to a supermarket nowadays is mega stressful. I feel like I am going to war most of the time.
It is really taxing for me and because of that I try to limit it as much as I can.
But you got to eat so you got to get food which means you can't avoid it forever.

And we all miss our loved ones.
Our family.
Our friends.

But there are reasons for hope.
There really are.
We should not forget that.
We have to remind us of these facts.

We are truely lucky that there are already vaccines all over the world now.
I did not believe that they would be able to find/develop even one so quickly.
Isn't it amazing that they did?'
It is amazing that they found not only one but nearly a handful of differnt solutions that work.
It is a great success and comfort that each of them offers a layer of protection.
That are all reasons for hope.
Don't forget they continue to do research, to fine tune and modify and they are trying to react quickly to the differnt strings which a popping up.
They can do that, too.

It is really great that the world could and did start to vaccinate.

In my country it is at a snails pace and a bit chaotic, but they do.
It is still progress even if it is in baby steps
I was constantly worried about my family and friends.
For the first group I was concerned because nearly all of them are in the high risk group due their age and/or their health issues.
My biggest fear was to lose them all and I am not over it yet. It is haunting me still.
I was so happy when my oldest relative got his one of his doses after nervewreaking month of waiting.
Breathing got a bit easier each time that one of them got a place on the waiting list and than got hold of an appointment and in the end got their injection.
It took a huge load of my mind when finally my parents got their first shot, too.
They still have to wait for the second, but it is a big thing and it gives me hope.

I am grateful that I have not lost any of my loved ones.
It could have gone differntly.
My fears where not misplaced because one of my dearst got infected. One who was not even at the high risk group.
But we were very fortunate that they recovered well.
Fingers crossed that no Long-Covid health issues will linger and follow.
And toitoitoi that it will remain the only case.

Good news, I got my first shot last week and I am soooooo relieved.
I did not know how much it burdend me that I myself could be infected every day no matter how careful I was.
A constant threat that ruled your life.
I feel a bit more safe now.

There is hope.
The vaccines will help that the whole world will overcome this horrible pandemic.
It will take time and maybe there will be some setbacks, but we will get there.
We will!

Till than, take care, stay/get healthy, be gentle and nice to yourself and others.
Keep calm and carry on!
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