
Apr 05, 2016 01:40

And because of all this heavy stuff we need a break.

Sometimes we just need to get away from everything.

And even if it is just for the length of a song, for the duration of a movie or for the time you read story.

This little daily get-a-ways are essential and necessary.

They are important for our well-being.

So here some stuff where you can forget the world for awhile and to enjoy.

Movie Rec: Deadpool

Yes, thats right. Your eyes did not desert you.
I really liked it and my male companion as well which is a surprise becauseit is few and between that we see eye to eye.
Watch this movie if you are hungry for action, fun and dark humor: If you like to see some a non-superhero superhero movie where they absolutly don't take themselves serious, where women are not decoration and where they don't make jokes on other peoples the expenses.
The death toll is high and the pun quote higher.
The main character has the heart in the right place and is a decent guy even if he is really not a goodie-two-shoes, He has got his brain a bit scrambled, got mutated, is a bit homocidal, has still a big mouth and is a joker, is a cutie-pie and really batshitcrazy.
Citation: If you liked the trailer you will like the movie.
So I suggest you watch it first and decide for yourself.

Movie Rec: The Abnominable Bride (Sherlock Special)

Yay, finally. The wait was worth while. I enjoyed it very much.
Please be aware this is not part of season 4, this is an interlude with a lot of plot twists. I hope that you didn't pick up to much spoilers so that you will have still some surprises. But even if you are like me and you have picked up some bits and pieces along the way, you will still indulge in the Special.
If you liked Sherlock & Co, if you like AUs, what-ifs and who-done-its, than this is your little gem with lots of lovely details and hints.

Fanfic rec: Have you heard by peradi
Fandom: Star Wars
This is an AU or a what-if or a what-could-be of how one mans desertation changed everything. A kind of butterfly-effect.
A story where a totalitarian system doesn't understand that the message you want to send or the lesson you want to teach are not the same as the message that is recieved or the lesson which was learned.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Answer to the Prompt: : What if Harry Potter, the chosen one, had turned out to be a squib, how do you think history would have turned out differently?
Guess what? Surprise it is an AU. It is interessting what differs and what remains the same and to see why.

If you want forget time and you want to occupy your mind than I suggest you visit tumblr and get lost browsing there.

Visiting the youtube channel of "Walk of the Earth" listening to their music and watching their vids, lifts your spirit.

Don't laugh but I got as a surprise x-mas gift a colouring book for adults.
Actually it is really relaxing if you had a stressful day and you need to come down and stop thinking and worrying.

Revisit you own link collection or ask a friend for new links or their all-time-favourites not limited to a genre or a fandom.
Try something old try something new. Thats my mission at the moment.

Now that Spring is finally knocking at the door, we have more daylight and the weather is getting friendlier, nature is calling.
It says go outside, that helps, too.
Sit on your balcony, work in your garden or take a walk.
Take delight in the sun and the fresh air, enjoy the birds singing, the first butterflys dancing, the flowers blooming, all plants growing and all life awakening.

movie's, fanfic rec/review

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