Pitchfork is the worst. I know I should just stay away from pitchfork because it never fails to terrorize me with pretension and obscure/unrelated rants.
How is this picture an adequate review for the Black Kids album "Partie Traumatic," along with a rating of 3.3?
I'm not a huge fan of Black Kids, the few songs I've heard from them are decent, but how is this picture an acceptable replacement of actual words explaining what possessed your pretentious faux-intellectual-self to give an album a 3.3 (out of 10), when you gave the EP of the same band an 8.9???
Today I was listening to Woxy and enjoying "Sometime Around Midnight..." by the Airborne Toxic Effect, and Shivvy mentions the scathing pitchfork review of their latest album. Out of morbid curiosity, I decided to check it out against my better judgment.
Pitchfork gave the Airborne Toxic Event a rating of 1.6, which seems awfully low considering the song I've been in love with is close to a 10(my opinion, I know). I haven't listened to the CD, but it seems highly unlikely this band deserved a rating that abysmal.
What bothers me about their reviews are all the unrelated garbage they throw in there to prove to everyone how superior they are. This is part of their review attacking the band name "Airborne Toxic Event:"
"Their name is even a transparent DeLillo reference..."
Is that a valid reason to dislike an album? Because the band took their name from a post modern author by the name of Don DeLillo? And how exactly is that transparent? They don't elaborate on this statement, they just throw it out there and insult their readers by assuming it needs no explanation. They don't mention it again, they don't reference DeLillo anywhere else in the review, it just annoys the reviewer that the band took their name from the author for some unknown reason.
I guess Pitchfork's angle is just to hire a bunch of guys who want to show off how easily they can pontificate on obscure, unrelated topics under the pretense of actually writing something related to music.
Two things that will never fail to annoy me: Pitchfork reviews and Sarah Palin