I hate having to adult

Jan 07, 2015 16:55

This is a large brain dump of all the things I need to work out to make some big adult decisions.

It'll probably get long )

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sarahlouise January 7 2015, 09:55:18 UTC
:( I think I'm out of touch as I bought here before things went really nuts. I was going to say Bentleigh East but I think even that has rocketed (which I don't understand, I don't like it there at all. Not that I'm saying you should live in a yucky place. But it is close to decent schools, which is probably why everyone else is there too). Is even Moorabbin crazy? When I was looking I looked at a lot of places in Moorabbin as it was quite reasonable then. Hampton east was too (not hampton itself, it's on the other side of south road). But it has no train station and I never liked the feel of it so I think there's a reason it's cheaper. You would know better than me how things are currently though :(

Yeah agree that edithvale wouldn't be a good choice for you. Not if being closer is your goal. It's lovely in other ways.

My place was 620k when I bought it. It's only two bedrooms, so too small for you, although it would be very easy to convert the dining room into a bedroom or (less easy) build up. I mean, the space is there to build up but that's a big undertaking. When I was thinking of selling it last year they quoted me 770k though so I think even this area has gone up.

It is really shitty. I think it's much harder when you're looking for a family home. I could get on the ladder because I could do crappy apartment then small house. My friends i mentioned have 3 year old twins so they're similar to you and they are finding all the places out of their budget. And they're looking in places like burwood that I didn't think were particularly posh. and both work full time.


wickedcherub January 7 2015, 10:03:35 UTC
Yeah I think that if we both work full time we would earn maybe 100-120 between us to start. I think that would get us a 600k house. Does that sound right, haha is that how much you earn lol? That mortgage isn't much these days, I think maybe I can start looking at Springvale, it's not beautiful but I grew up there and I do love it. I wonder if I can still send Liam to the Glen Waverley primary schools though if we rented there first. With high school I think we'd go the non government route anyway so I'm not fussed about high schools as yet.


sarahlouise January 7 2015, 10:20:06 UTC
I think that would get you a 600k house, yes. Especially if you have equity already. I earn about 160k, but when I bought this house I probably earned 130k. But I would be approved for much more if I wanted to take it on (I don't. My current mortgage makes me feel ill sometimes!) I'm positive you are better at living frugally than I ma though, so I would like your chances of pulling it off better than mine.

What about oakleigh? That's maybe a bit more pretty than springvale. Worth a look. Yeah I think if you were renting in the area he'd get into the school, I don't think they care what you do afterwards as long as you're in zone to start with. Where I used to live was in the zone for elwood primary, which seems to be very popular, and we had a lot of families rent in my block for ayear then move, presumably to get the kids into the school.


wickedcherub January 7 2015, 10:28:03 UTC
Yes we are good at living frugally, at least I think we don't eat fancy things, I think you can spend lots of money eating out and eating really lovely food and so you can save a lot eating more basic food or shopping at markets. And you know, packing lunch for work. So I think it's more habit than effort, really. I'm always so surprised by peoples wages, I think wages in general seem to have gone up a lot in the past five years? Like most of my friends are into 6 figures like yourself and I never would have dreamed it.


sarahlouise January 7 2015, 10:30:52 UTC
Yes. I think that's where lots of my money goes. And on convenience. Not convenience food. But like, oh I'll just get a cab instead of waiting 20 minutes for the train. I should shop at markets. I actually enoy that anyway. I got in a really good run of packing lunch but this year have been bad.

I think they went up a lot a few years ago and then have stalled in the last year or so. I got a promotion which is the only reason mine went up, we have a wage freeze this year otherwise :( But I do agree that 100k isn't what it was, like it used to be this amazingly high salary and I don't thin kit is now.


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