Jan 01, 2015 16:43
Hi everyone how are you, I was thinking about this year's resolutions and where I was going to post them and thought I'd check out LJ. I didn't even realise that I had 2014 resolutions Lol. I'm positing this from my phone so we'll see how we go.
This year has been a great one for me, the best one I've had in maybe fifteen years. I think it mostly had to do with the fact that for the first time in my life I was not keeping up a lie with anyone. I wasn't lying to anyone about university anymore and it's like I can see again.
Adam has been a spectacular stay at home father and has a 4.0 GPA for his first year of uni. He is stressed, but it's a productive stress, not that overwhelming stress you get where you don't know what you're doing with your life.
Work has been super great with me, I've got a contract until Adam finished uni and am likely to get a promotion before that time anyway.
The kids no longer sleep in my bed, and that, unsurprisingly, has made my marriage a lot better too. I also have a new found appreciation for Adam and our relationship and the fact that we actually communicate because of all the relationships I've been in contact with since I've started work and seeing what hot messes they all are! So much drama!
My brother graduated university so my parents don't want to kill themselves anymore. I cried a lot at the graduation. Then it looked like he was just going to be a lazy ass bum at my parents house forever but he just received a paid internship at L'Oréal (which is a much much bigger organisation than I thought, they own like every single other cosmetics company it seems!) doing IT, so it is all coming up fucking mill house and I cried even more at work when he smsed me to tell me the news.
So let's look at my resolutions from last year.
- fix up my resume by Friday January 6th, draft up a basic cover letter that is easy to edit
- start mass bombing admin jobs etc. It'll be easier to get a job I want once I'm actually working.
Yeah I got a full time job by March for the federal government. It pays awesomely for a job with basically zero responsibilities and zero stress as Adam is under so much stress at home it's lovely to just go home and support him without bringing my own burdens. There is scope for promotion as well, and I think they may open up permanent positions this year but we'll see how this government pans out.
- pay off the credit card debt of $1500
- family holiday to Vietnam, approximately $6000
- new nice bed frames for the boys
I paid off the credit card and had quite a bit of savings, but that went all the hell at the end of the year when we had to pay for various large things that came up as well as Christmas. So it's likely to come up again this year. Mum has offered to buy beds for the boys. :)
- become fitter, look hot for wedding in March. I would like to be able to run without getting short of breath immediately, as well as push a trolley with both my boys in it and all the groceries without worrying I'm going to crash into a car in the carpark. I would also like to be able to fit into my clothes everywhere.
- I downloaded the Fitocracy app, which gives you points for doing physical activity and lets you attain levels and achievements
- I will start running, today.
- I will drink some water every time I get hungry because a) I don't drink enough water and b) I think I'm actually thirsty when I feel hungry. (obviously if I'm still hungry after that I will eat. I don't need to lose weight)
This was a major fail because I gave up breastfeeding in March then went back to work in a position where I just sit on my butt all day and eat food. I have gained a lot of weight and am so unfit because the commute takes maybe 3hrs of my day every day I don't have time to exercise. I do drink a fuckton of water though. Maybe about 2.5 litres a day. That's about 10 glasses. This will go back on the resolution list.
- I will do SOME dishes every day. This has been a big problem for me this year.
- I will PUT AWAY some laundry every day. I've been on top of having the laundry clean and dry, just not put away.
Umm, I handed over housekeeping duties over to Adam who doesn't do dishes every day but gets them all done at least every second day. Getting the laundry done is still my problem though and my problem didn't get better but I have think I've got a plan for it this year. SURELY.
- I will help enrol Adam into university this year. I will help him research the correct courses this week. Enrollment at Open University closes February 14th.
Adam enrolled into full time Bachelor of Commerce degree by March and has achieved a GPA of 4.0 after his first year. So this has been a success. An extremely stressful awful success but a success nonetheless. There's just 12 subjects to go over the next two years.
Get a promotion. I am well regarded at work, I hold a lot of important roles and they're sending me to external focus groups to try and make our organisation a better place. However I get passed over for a lot of promotions that actually pay more money like leadership roles and I think it's down to my job application skills, so I will try my fucking hardest this year to get that right. Like it is ridiculous, people at work always assume I'm in management and it pisses me off that I'm not.
STRETCH GOAL: get a permanent position. There are rumours flying around that there will be a tiny number of permanent spots up for grabs at work this year (everyone here is on a short contract) and I don't think that I have a great chance, but I do have *a* chance so I want it. This job is flexible enough to let me work say, 10-3 every day which would be perfect while the kids are in school but still young.
I'm going to apply for a Diploma in Business Administration in the next couple of weeks. I want that qualification to help me get my next job. It's an online course, I should be done in six months.
I currently weigh about 53kg in the morning. I want that to be 50kg by March. I want to be sub 50 by mid year and to keep it that way. My main plan of attack is to stop eating terrible snacks at work, and to cut down on the sheer amount of bread and sugar I consume. I hope that will be enough. I'll do more if I have to, but I don't really want to.
I want to excerise but I have zero plans. I wonder if taking the stairs more often would benefit at all whatsoever.
I have to start helping Adam out more with the housework. The plan is just to force myself into 20 min a day before bed time, tidy up.
I want to read more actual books instead of fanfic. I want to listen to new music.
I have started a bullet journal as of this week where I'm keeping lists of things and I've listened to three new albums and read two books this week alone. It's also kept me so organised and productive, you should look into it, if to do apps aren't working for you.
I'm going to try be more tactful, more discreet, and talk less about myself all things I admire in others that I currently lack.
I will initiate contact with my friends at least once a month. I'll put it on my bullet journal if I have to.
I am going to find my sex drive somewhere or get Adam to help me find it. I lost the desire to have actual-longer-than-perfunctory-5-min sec with the pregnancies and I can tell it really bothers Adam who is craving it. I have to find some energy somewhere too.
I am going to stop taking Adam for granted and do my best to assist with his workload and stress. So this includes helping out with home, and being more demonstrative in my affection.
I want to save enough money to go to Vietnam March 2016. Things that will help are the fact that they've changed the train ticket prices so I'll save like $750 a year on that alone. Adam is doing small jobs here and there, so if he did one once a month and we put that into savings, we'll get there. We can do it!
We need to work out what we're doing with our house situation once and for all. We want to move I just don't know how, right now, being single income, so I need to get proactive and go to a bank and ask. I need to be less afraid of change.
Or I need to have an actual talk to my parents about us all buying a house together they'll let us rent and perhaps sell in a few years or whatever. I'm so sick of our shoebox house, but I love paying like barely anything on the mortgage repayments.