So I am trying to keep my mental health in check. Which is hard to do when you have a boss like mine. I'm having a hard time keeping a good balance between eating healthy and what my brain wants me to do. My coping mechanism is always to turn to comfort food. Comfort food is not on my diet. So it's a constant struggle between eating healthy and wanting a piece of cake, candy, or pasta. I have been working so hard to get this weight off.
The past few days has been really rough at work. I was very emotional today, because it marks one month since my dad Lonnie past. So my emotions were all over the place and it didn't help my boss was trying to throw me under the bus. She got in trouble for the lab not having a certain test. when I talk to the doctor about it, she tried to tell our c o-o That's not what she said. Well I flat-out said that's not how it went and you know it. And I laid it out in front of the co-o.
I found out today our boss is struggling to stick to her diet due to emotional stress. She only started this diet after I started losing weight and was getting attention from everyone at the hospital. She even tried to undermine me one day when I was talking to x-ray. "She goes oh Shana's doing her diet for different reasons I'm trying to get my BMI down for my blood pressure." I told her" I said you do realize I was spiking high blood pressure at random times right?" I said Karen I was 343 lb. I am doing this to be healthy for my son, so he won't lose a parent at an early age and feel robbed. That I will no longer make the choice food over my kid so I can be around for him later on in life. So now I'm using it as fuel to stick to my diet. to show that I have a stronger will.I won't give in.
I also made ground beef stir fry with broccoli slaw and mushrooms. I found the stuff called aminos. It is a great alternative to soy sauce. It has 2/3 less amount of sodium then soy sauce. it tastes just like soy sauce. Yummy!
A positive note I scheduled my second interview with Tennessee Oncology, also a phone interview for a travel Tech position. I figured it wouldn't hurt to interview for several jobs in case one doesn't pan out. Monday I would have like to turn in my notice.
That's all for now. Good night.