Jan 02, 2005 17:22
have u...
|x|Fallen for your best girl/guy friend - not really
|x|made out with JUST a friend - haha, yes.
|x|Been rejected - mmhmm
|x|Been in love - not reallly
|x|Used someone - no, that's lame
|x|Been used - more or less
|x|Cheated on someone- never.
|x|Been cheated on - hahahahahahahaha.
Do you..
|x|Have tattoos - wish i did.
|x|Piercings -ears, but more would be appreciated
|x|Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both - no
|x|Floss daily - no
|x|Own a webcam - no
|x|Ever get off the damn computer - sometimes
|x|Habla espanol - a little.
Have u ever...
|x|considered a life of crime - nope
|x|considered being a hooker- hell no
|x|considered being a pimp - haha, every day. no jkjk
|x|had psychotic tendancies - probably
|x|been told you have split personalities - sadly....yes
|x|been obsessive- it's what i do
|x|been obsessively compulsive - fuck yeah
|x|panicked big time- hell yeah
|x|had major anxiety - haha, yes
|x|been depressed - somewhat, more teenage angst than anything
|x|been suicidal - nope
|x|If you could be anywhere, where would you be - some foreign country.
|x|Current Clothes - jeans and a sweater
|x|Current Mood - bored
|x|Current Hair - down but clipped back
|x|Current Smell - shampoo and clinique happy heart
|x|Current DVD In Player - bridget jones' diary
|x|Current Worry - ill die alone.
|x|Current Crush - wouldn't know
|x|Current Favorite Celebrity - the pussycat dolls. or jude law.
|x|Drink - pop. in almost any form.
|x|Color - pink/kelly green
|x|Shoes - tennis shoes
|x|Candy - candy canes and chocolate
|x|TV Show - the oc
|x|Movie - so many
Are you..I
|x|Insecure - all the time. 24/7
|x|Interesting - not in particular
|x|Hungry - yes
|x|Friendly - for the most part
|x|Smart - not really
|x|Moody - mostly
|x|Independent - no
|x|Shy -yeah
|x|Difficult - yes, a lot.
|x|Bored Easily - god yes.
On you..
|x|Name - Rebecca
|x|Nicknames - Bex, loser, smart ass
|x|Hair color - dark brown, not black, tool.
|x|Birthday - September 27th.
|x|Eye Color - brown.
On friends..
|x|Best friend(s) - guy- probably ted....more or less..............., girl- HOOFIE! An, Anne, Amanda
|x|Friend(s) you go to for advice - umm.....hoofie
|x|Friend(s) you have the most fun with -Hoofie, Amanda, An, Claire.
|x|Friend(s) you've dreamt about - ted (no, not a sex dream, perv....), An, Amanda, Dylan, Claire, more, hoofie
|x|Friends you tell secrets to - not many people. mostly I lie, except to hoofie