Looking for a Captain...

Apr 14, 2020 14:16


This is the first time I've been on this account in a very long time and am taking a chance to post. I am a RPer with about 10 years plus writing experience. I have written a great deal of fandoms. I am jumping back into Star Trek Voyager. I am looking write with a Kathryn Janeway and B'Elanna Torres. They are my OTP and I adore them. I'll even dabble with Torres and Seven.
Writing style: Multiparagrah to Novella. I more do anywhere from 2-4 paragraphs because I am busy and can't spend time writing 13+ paragraphs.

I am not looking to write purely sex though if it feels right for our story, maybe. I would advice a writing rating of adult.

I like a good angsty, drama story that is intense and fun.

I am purely femslash writer.

I've written Star Trek Voyager many, many years before. I have also written in fandoms of Once Upon a Time, Xena, Grey's Anatomy, Star Trek, and several others.

Where I am willing to write: I write in Google Doc or will make a roleplay account. I am looking for serious writer that will give some attention to detail and write in third person. Please feel free to reach out to me!

star trek voyager, star trek, janewaytorres, b'elanna torres, fanfic, roleplayer, f/f, rp, torresjaneway, kathryn janeway

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