Apr 02, 2006 01:06
i had a geary t night. i loave rachael. she called ame and i talkede ot her and we had a gteat converastion about the 8000 kinds of wonderful she is. i thisnk she's dandy. she's a wondefrul person, one of my faceotrite people ever and i wish that she was happy. im' not happy ubt i try i guess. lareauj is also n eo of my faveorite peole and she's been my bewt frirend for seven years. shes' one of the most amazin gpeple i've ever met. and mice too. i tak,ed to mic today and she was good, things are going well in her life. i miss lao of them so much somtiesm i just want to be home somedays when things soom to be too much. but i got to hang wout wiht abby and tom and heather and chris and we all p.ayed fhn games and crhis and i wont at beer/vodka pnog. i plyaed with vodka. i'm so good. i bought earrihngs today with garace and abby. they're swell girls. i'm wearing sweathpants and iffeel like a laz ybum. i don't normally waer shwtapants but i am now. i also love varmz. she's a fantastic lady. props to her. i don't know what abbs is listning to. it soudns like indie dyke music but abs is no duke. whatevs man.