Six years ago today...

Sep 11, 2007 09:20

It was six years ago today that we saw those HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE images of fire, smoke, death and collapse. We, the American public, who previously felt SOOO untouchable, were scared, vulnerable and silenced.

At first it was just a fluke. A plane hit one of the World Trade Center towers and there was fire. At first we believed it was an isolated incident. At first we believed it was a freak accident - pilot error, ATC error or some weird off course plane, but then the unthinkable happened. While we were watching the smoke and fire of the first plane crash, a second one came barreling in with such ferocity it happened in slow motion. And the second tower burst in flames, debris flying from the plane and the building,

But it wasn't over. Another plane hit the Pentagon and yet another was heroically downed over Pennsylvania by the passengers refusing to give up, refusing to let themselves be used in a terrorist plot. Choosing to die fighting than to die hurting others.

We spent most of the day glued to our televisions or the news feeds on our computers wanting answers, confused as to who had done this, why they had done this, HOW they had done this and we mourned. The airports fell silent as all air traffic stopped. Everything felt...silent.

Like so many Americans, I felt helpless, confused, bewildered and frightened. Like so many Americans, I put out my flag in memory of those who lost their lives in the attack with tears in my eyes. Every night for the first 60 days, I lit a lantern outside my home and let the candle burn until it extinguished itself, in memory of those who lost their lives. I followed the news with dogged determination. Hoping the list of missing would shrink and people would be found...alive. However, it only grew and for some families, closure never came because bodies were never found. So many men and woman that day left for work like they always did, perhaps taking for granted in their morning rush that they would see their families that night and dashed out the door.

Today is the 6th anniversary of the attacks. Many call it the attack on the twin towers, but I call it the attack on the United States of America. We were ALL attacked that day. We were ALL violated. We feared for our families, our loved ones and our friends. We had to explain to our children what happened and why without answers to their questions...watching them lose their innocence as they tried to wrap their thoughts around the concept of terrorism, around the concept of hatred so enormous that they would cause such hurt and destruction. We cried and mourned as a nation and never before was there such an outpouring of patriotic pride. Suburban streets, lined with the American flag, flags displayed on cars, in windows, on hats, shirts, clothing. We pulled together as a nation and stood proud, showing the rest of the world WE ARE TRUELY UNITED.

But then the years passed and we reverted to our INVINCIBLE blase feelings again. Flags came down, people forgot the feelings they felt that day. They are forgetting as each day passes, it's human nature.

The news downplays the war in Iraq, the Bush administration who so strongly vowed to capture Bin Ladin, has failed to do so.

We, as a nation, are becoming more complacent as we feel more secure in our day to day lives.

I have not fogotten. Every day, before I leave for work, I hug, kiss and tell each and every member of my family that I love them, that I will miss them while I'm gone. I still remember names of the victims that touched me most, especially Colleen Supinski, a beautiful girl with big blue eyes that just touched my heart.

I have not forgotten.

I will not forget.
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