Yay formal pictures! See my regular journal for an account of the night (5/2/2005). And is it just me, or does my nose look ginormous?
The fam: Crissi, Jodie, me, Steph, and Megan
Steph, me, Megan, and Lisa. One of my favorite pictures of the night.
me and Megan
me and Kat
Helen, aka George, and me - and this angle makes George look very tall and me very short. Oh, wait...
An attempt to get our dresses: Kat, me, George
Hi Amy and Crissi's faces!
Me and way cool little Jodie
Dee-dawg (aka me) and Steph. I love this picture! :)
Get down whit-cho bad self!
Steph, me, and Jodie. Another one of my favorites. Although my eyes look weird because the red-eye removal thing on Paint Shop Pro doesn't have my eye color.
Stacy, me, and Crissi
Me, Colleen (aka my darling), and Lindsey
me and my darling