I rewrote certain parts in the prologue and chapter 1. nothing really major but some things are completely different. For example i have named the swords in the prologue and i changed the ending slightly in chapter 1. I got tired of writing near the end of chapter 1 so i got lazy. I fixed some errors and i know their are more. if it is just small things such as a comma slice or something, dont bother with it. if i mess up something major or a sentence makes no sense. let me know that. All and all. tell me what you think. And find me more readers. I dont have enough constructive criticism. And be on the lookout for your characters to start being introduced. I am beginning doing that in the next chapter. Which i have begun working on already. Also check out joshes story at
http://www.livejournal.com/~dark_nocturne . He is writing a story of his own and needs criticism too. but remember it is his story. dont try to rewrite it for him. Seriously though. find me readers. I dont think many people know i am even writing a story. If you dont know where to find my story it is at
http://www.livejournal.com/~elhazzared/ . so now you know. spread the word.