
Jan 19, 2008 13:25

Still alive. I think...

*cleans dust from LJ* been ages since I last posted or visited the Fl, what did I loose?
.. oh dear.

Update on life:
Been (and still am) full of final projects and exams. Sorry chichiris_chica for not answering your text, I don't know when I'll have time for phone chat. I'll try to contact you tomorrow sunday D: Can you believe it's been 2 weeks since I last phoned my parents???
Teh Horror
And sorry, tootsiemuppet for not posting anything on mac_read last sunday. I did read Chapter one, but didn't have time to post anything, can I still write anything on that post? I'l try to hook back on chapter 3 next sunday, when everything will be finished

Drawing teacher is happy with my work, if I keep it like that, I may have a 9 as final mark on June.
Photography teacher... He promised I would have an 8 or higher, he put me a 7, till he changed his mind next day and went back to 8 (what bugs me is that my mates, the ones they never appear around class and don't have their projects on time, they had 9s and such for giving everthing the last day Now I don't know if it's worth a 5 months, continuous effort anymore if there's people that sit on their arses doing nothing till the last day and have better marks than you. Bastards *breathes*)...lets just forget about this and concentrate on happier things
Yesterday Celtamn announced that he wouldn't teach the first two lessons of Cinema History because he would be on China O_O seriusly ,dude ¬¬ (well, if I waited a full year to have this class, I can wait two more weeks *yay-fake-optimism*) But to "paliate" the horror of these news, he also propossed many projects and works for our degree. My class mates were asses, so they weren't really interested in anything he said, but he spoke about visiting film sets, participating/organizing short-movies festivals, an Art/Cinema set of conferences about animation (with Fox people coming, woohoo!).... and the possibility of working for History Channel, creating documentals and sujesting historical people for future programs. And boudicca_keltoi and I may contact with a Photography Director (who was presented by Celtman on a conference yesterday) and go watch him work on publicity spots.
And going on a short, one-night journey to Cáceres and Salamanca next week to visit modern art museums, with the Uni. And then come back and do one of trickiest exam I may have this course.
Have to go back study now, I'm having lunch and going to Madrid for the whole afternoon.
Hope you're all fine and well.


history channel, life, photography director, marks, celtman adoration, uni

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