Nov 14, 2005 16:48
Blah... I despise mondays/days that start the week after a fabulous weekend... it's like you are on this high of good times and then you crash and burn at 6:00 in the friggen morning on Monday... so basically what I am trying to say is that I wish it was still the weekend cuz I miss it already and it has only been not even one full day...
The good news is that I did good on that muscle test in anatomy and volleyball starts on thursday, which is more or less positive... now I love volleyball... but the start of the season means that it my life is controlled by volleyball... but I love it so it's all good...
and that is really all there is to say about the life of Shaina right now... nothing to big... just the same ol' same ol' but I am overall pretty happy right now... just in case anyone cares ;)