Every year, I announce that it is cold, and winter, and dark....and that if you haven't noticed, for those of you prone to winter depression, this is not a great time of year for that sorta thing.
So...my annual list of things to do about that.
This year, it starts with a new, bigger, better, OMFG this works kinda thing.
- Know what sunlight does for you? It makes vitamin D. About 15,000 i.u. of it in 15 minutes. Big fat quantities of the stuff that you need to fight inflammation and make all kinds of yummy happy brain chemicals. Know how much our BRILLIANT government thinks you need? 400 i.u. per day. Recently updated to 800 i.u.. Wanna know why? Cuz that's the BARE minimum to prevent you from getting rickets and brittle bone disease. They've finally started to acknowledge they ain't even close. If you live in the northern United States, you are deficient. Period. Get tested for Vitaman D levels. If your tests show are under 50 whatever it is they measure in, supplement like nobody's business. If you can't get tested, take at least 2000 i.u. a day (along with some Calcium Citrate because the metabolism of it takes calcium, and Calcium Carbonate is a cheap form that absorbs like crap). If you are seriously deficient, you can supplement up to 10,000 i.u. a day without hitting toxic levels for months. Try 5,000 until you catch up. You will NOT believe how much better you feel when your body stops attacking itself.
- If you have fibromyalgia, chronic fatique, or generally feel like getting out of bed is more fucking trouble than it's worth most days.....get thee to a doctor and get tested for vitamin D...seriously. Have 'em check your thyroid and B vitamins while you're at it. Have I mentioned how much better you will feel when your body stops attacking itself? Aside from the fact that D deficiency is probably causing the inflammation that is exhausting you...the inflammation is sucking up D faster than you can make it, trying to cure itself. Give your body a break and help out a little.
- If you value your erections, sexual arousal, good skin, a long life, healthy blood pressure and general well-being...did I mention, Vitamin D?
- Throw in a multivitamin for good measure, and some Omega-3's (fish oil supplements...if they make you burp, get enteric coated ones or freeze them...they are good for brain fog, softer skin, and weight loss).
- Beyond that, a general anti-inflammatory diet: Lots of colorful fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and get rid of all the processed white flour, white sugar, and for gods' sake...chemical sweeteeners and high fructose corn syrup. The stuff will kill you. Seriously. Did you know 75% of our diet is now based on corn???? That's insane.
- Get some light...sunlight is good, a SAD light is a good second....just turn on every light you can and buy some full-spectrum bulbs, if you can't find anything else. If you can't wake up this time of year, or are always exhausted until it's time to go to bed, and then suddenly can't sleep....get a sunrise alarm clock, or turn on all the lights an hour before you need to get up.
- MOVE. Get some exercise. Fuck. Masturbate like nobody's business. Hell...watch horror movies if you can't manage anything else. Get some endorphins and blood flowing. It's good for your body and your brain.
- Laugh. Laugh some more. Just cuz.
- Be present in your world. Be where you are right now. Everything's not like you want it? You're at one tiny little point in the journey that is you. Give it time. If you live in your past, or worry about your future, you are giving up the only moment you will ever have. This one. There is no "perfect" world. There's the one you've got. Whatever it is, you drew it into your life for a reason.
Make it the best you can, and live it fully.
That's it for me. I'm feeling better mentally and physically, than I've felt in years. I've lost a grand total of 37lbs by doing not much more than giving up chemical sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup and trying to keep my starch intake to whole grains. I'm feeling a winter cold coming on and addressing it with the best cure I know: enough brandy to make me stupidly talkative.
Love to all of you. I hope you are well.