Jun 23, 2006 01:45
Ryoko walked away from the dojo into the crisp autumn air. She had already changed from her school uniform and trained for a bit. It was part of her daily excercises. It also took her mind off of things.
Earlier that day, Sister Miya had asked Ryoko when the last time she had gone seen her father in prison. Ryoko had been unable to answer; it had been that long ago! Sister Miya had then gone into one of her long explanations about forgiving one another. Ryoko wasn't mad at her father. It was her weak mother she blamed.
Ryoko walked across the courtyard still in her training outfit and entered the church corridor. She had walked a little ways, passed the Sunday school room when she overheard someone's words.
She could recognize one of the voices belonging to Sister Hibuya, the head of the church aside from the priest. The other was a man. He had a very confident voice that suggested he was a man of business. From the roughness, he either lived or worked near the sea or he smoked way too much. Ryoko guessed the first choice, noting that there was no light hint of cigarette smoke in the air.
She tried to catch their words. Money she heard, but was not surprised. It was a poor church. A poor orphanage. Something about overdue. A price was offered. What for? Sister Hibuya's words sounded bitter. The guy named another price. This time it was much higher. Sister Hibuya told him to go. She would never hand the church over for money.
Ryoko gasped. He was trying to buy over the church? She was suddenly very happy Sister Hibuya was stubborn.
A man walked out of the room in a huff. He glanced back into the room, saying, "I'll be back tomorrow. You'll give in, eventually." The man began heading towards Ryoko's direction. He smiled as he passed her, bowing slightly. Ryoko didn't bow back. She was right about him either living near the sea or working near it. His face was salt water rough though he looked pretty young.
Ryoko turned and headed outside. This time though, she headed off the churches property. It wasn't dark yet and Ryoko needed a walk. She didn't care if she was wearing her training clothes or not. Just a quick walk through town, maybe to the park, was all she needed.