May 27, 2005 17:44
I think working at the YMCA is going to take over my life. Day camp starts June 27, and camp will be ...interesting. Me in charge of 10 kids from 8:30am - 5pm? eesh. I start working at after care on tuesday. That's 3pm-6pm and I have no idea what that will be like. Plus, today when i called valerie about the results of my drug test she asked me to come in and do office work, so now she said that whenever she needs some help she's gonna call me in to work in the office before i go to after care. More money but....ahhhhhhhhh. The three hours i spent there today were sooo boring. Calling up parent after parent about summer camp is very annoying. Some of them are nice, but some of them hang up on you. I should have called back the ones who hung up on me and been like "i work at the camp. and your kid is signed up to go there. and u just hung up on me? oh, u better hope i don't find your kid." lol Mostly i got machines, so I just had to leave messages. But I'm gonna make a lot of money this summer. =D
In other news, I'm annoyed with AC Moore. They keep not having the color spray paint I need. -_- I'm gonna have to start looking elsewhere I guess. AC Moore also didn't have what I was looking for to make a name thing for Allyson. They are losing there status as one of my favorite stores. lol
Hmm....not a whole lot of exciting stuff going on. My only problem w/all the working is that I'm only gonna be able to do stuff on the weekend. Can't take more then a day or two at a time off from camp, once that starts.
anywayz...........mikey needs to stop napping and get in the shower so we can go eat. lol