First Massive Friends Cut

Jan 26, 2011 22:55

You guys are probably wondering why I did a massive friends cut ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

tealite January 26 2011, 15:59:29 UTC


wicked_music February 5 2011, 09:34:05 UTC


anathema64 January 26 2011, 18:14:53 UTC
First I was like DDD:

And then I was like *checks her friend's page* *wibbles*

And then I was like \o/ :DDD

Also, hello Yssa darling, I miss your face since you've left us. Come back to maaaaaaaaaay. (Though really, how are you bb?)


wicked_music February 5 2011, 09:37:21 UTC
I miss you so much too bb. :'(


wicked_music February 5 2011, 09:38:03 UTC
UGH I don't know what's wrong with lj my comment looks so bunched up together. /o\


onepunkymisfit January 27 2011, 05:25:56 UTC
Oh gosh, I was so scared you cut me. I'm glad you didn't though. :D <3


wicked_music February 5 2011, 09:38:41 UTC
I would never cut you bb! :* ♥


dolphinluva8 April 28 2011, 14:38:00 UTC
okay soooo
way way way back in the day, we met on _ai and bonded over panic! and it was all just very lovely times.
then i dropped off the face of lj and today i decided to take a gander through it again and i remembered you and you didn't cut me <3 idk, i just thought it was sweet.
but hiii you probably don't even remember me so this is just a very long awkward comment okay i think i'm gonna go bye.


nmathuron January 25 2013, 00:05:56 UTC

... )


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