Jan 04, 2006 18:38
First of all, Thank God I can talk again. That was possibly the most frustrating two days of my life.
New Years Eve sort of sucked, for numerous reasons I don't really want to get into. Family drama and then ex-family drama took up most of the night. My poor dad had to go from diffusing one fight to the next all night and didn't get to have any fun at all. I didn't end up drinking either, so I still have a full bottle of rum and no one to drink it with. Damn.
Speaking of mothers, Trisha had her baby the other day!! That was exciting for everyone, it was a healthy baby boy, five pounds five ounces. Adorable, as you would expect.
Rob and I saw King Kong the other day, and it was really good, a lot better than I thought it would be, except for a very, very, very long scene involving man eating bugs. Which just happens to be my worst fear. Jack Black had a good quote though:"Defeat is only momentary." Hmm. Quite.
I got my jacket in yesterday, and that made me very happy because it is very warm and soft and fleecy and cool.
Rob, however, has had a way worse week than I have. Poor Sunshine almost cut his finger off at work and needed six stitches and now can't use his finger for two weeks :o(
I'm doing good with the working out too, I'm four for four so far if you count going sledding with three little kids as excercise. Woot.
I really want school to start again, as horrible as that sounds again, but that means I won't be working as much. Although my paycheck next Friday is going to kick so much ass, over three hundred dollars. Yesssss.
Eh, I guess that's it then...
Until then...
Say hello to good times,
Trade up for the fast ride