Title: Kaidoh and the Seven Tennis Players: A Tenipuri Snow White Part 12
wicked_loving Pairing: MomoshiroxKaidoh (and various others)
Rating: R (for sex scene in Part 8)
Summary: Kaidoh was found as a baby by seven men living in the woods and was raised by them. He is now eighteen, and a prince has stumbled into his home, but that creates more problems as certain people become aware of Kaidoh's existence - people who will do anything to keep Kaidoh from becoming more than a fairytale.
- Part 12: Kaidoh still sleeps even as Momoshiro arrives. Will he ever wake up?
Everything was fuzzy, like looking at everything through spider silk. Sounds were muted, as if cotton stuffed his ears. Vaguely, Kaidoh was aware of his body feeling heavy, of an ache in the upper region though identifying it was beyond him.
He felt like he'd been here a long time, this place of fuzzy images and muted songs. He thought, now and then, he could hear people talking to him for long periods, but the words were never clear enough. Sometimes he thought he saw things - a cottage, a horse, faces. None of them made sense, and he couldn't make them out. And normally he was just to tired to try and place them anyways.
More often than not he found himself humming songs, lullabies he recalled his fathers singing to him as a child. He recounted the fairy tales they read him, and when those ran out he started recalling facts from the libraries books, and then beyond that imagining his daily chores.
Time ticked on inside his head, beyond the fuzzy glow that surrounded everything, and eventually he was left with only the memories of Momoshiro. His body warmed as he imagined the other man pressed to him, the smell of hay, metal, and earth that clung to him, calloused palms caressing his skin like he were priceless silk. His lips slid up into a content smile, his body slowly uncoiling and floating within this realm of fuzz.
He blinked, sitting up, looking around.
"Kai - "
Where? Where as that coming from?
He knew that voice. It was... it was...
"-oh, ple -..... - ke....- up!"
What was he saying? He couldn't hear. His ears were to stuffed with cotton, the air to thick. He let himself fall limp again, just floating, just dreaming.
"Please, wake up!"
He would have, but he was just to tired to move.
"He really won't wake up," Momoshiro said, sitting down heavily in the chair that kept vigil by Kaidoh's bedside.
Yagyuu nodded, a hand resting on the back of the chair. "We've tried everything and looked through all the books in our library, but nothing. It's why I came to the capital - to see if the Royal library had anything of use."
Momoshiro snorted, his thumb gently stroking Kaidoh's hand, wondering if the other could feel the tender motion.
"You're welcome to stay here," Oishi added, having been on sentinel duty when Yagyuu and Momoshiro returned still sweaty and muddy from their ride. "I think having you here will do some good."
Momoshiro only nodded woodenly, reaching out and tenderly caressing Kaidoh's cheek, a thumb brushing the full bottom lip he had spent nights kissing. "Perhaps I should bathe first," he said. Though it was hard to imagine tearing himself away from Kaidoh at the moment, he knew he smelled and somehow the thought of offending Kaidoh in his sleep with his sheer odor did not sit well with Momoshiro.
"Of course," Oishi squeezed his shoulder. "I'll have Taka prepare the bath then." The older man turned and left, Yagyuu's sole presence far less comforting that Oishi's had been.
"There has to be something you missed," Momoshiro finally said.
Yagyuu turned a glare at the younger man. "Are you saying I didn't do everything I could for my son?"
Momoshiro sighed. He was in no mood for a fight. Not now. "I didn't say that. I just think maybe we should look the books over again. Maybe there was something you guys missed before."
He could feel Yagyuu's stare, could see the clenching of his knuckles at his elbows. It wasn't hard to see where Kaidoh got his stubbornness from, if this man was one of his father figures. Not that Momoshiro would change that part of his lover, but it just seemed odd he'd noticed such a small thing when there was the much larger problem of Kaidoh being comatose. Guess that's what happened when you under a lot of stress and still sick to boot.
"I'll bring you some of Kaidoh's old fairy tale books," Yagyuu broke the tense silence. "You can read to him tonight. That seems to illicit some response."
"Right, I can do that," Momoshiro squeezed the frighteningly limp hand in his, bringing it to his lips and kissing the knuckles.
Yagyuu's hand descended on his wrist, tugging. "Go bathe," the older man said. "I'll stand watch."
He hesitated, hand tightening around Kaidoh's, but Yagyuu's grip was firm, and his words had not rang of suggestion. Licking his lips, Momoshiro slowly let go, though the effort cost him even more than riding at break neck speed with a fever had. Slowly he pushed out of the chair and shuffled to the door, looking back to watch Yagyuu settle in the chair, hands lovingly brushing Kaidoh's hair and tucking the sheets in a bit tighter where they had come loose.
Dinner settled like a lump of cold lead in his stomach. A part of him squealed in excitement over the burst of flavors and the rich aromas drifting from each dish, but that part of him was easily over shadowed by the nagging worry for his lover, still sleeping upstairs. The seven men around him looked equally ill as they forced food into their mouths, forks and knives clanging loudly in the miserable silence.
Momoshiro almost felt bad for forcing himself on Yagyuu, for making the man bring him here. This family was suffering, the weight of the ordeal clear in every pair of eyes, in every pair of slumped shoulders. He loved Kaidoh, but he had only been a guest in these people's home for a short time. He wasn't family. He was a prince who stumbled upon them and got stuck thanks to a freak rain storm.
But regardless, he knew without a doubt he was in love with Kaidoh, and family or no family he wanted to be there for the woodland child. He'd offer what comfort he could for the family, but to be honest he knew he couldn't do much more than be another mouth for them to feed.
"I think I'll go ready to Kaidoh," he announced, the clatter of cutlery stopping in such perfect unison it sent a chill up Momoshiro's spine.
"The books are on the bedside table," Inui finally announced for them all, the family staring together at the interloper.
Momoshiro licked his lips and nodded, taking his plate to the kitchen before practically fleeing up the stairs. Damp sunlight filtered through the window of Kaidoh's room, bathing everything in a watery red. The sight sent a sort of lurch through his stomach, but he calmed it quickly. There was no reason to panic. Panic would get neither him nor the other men anywhere. And it certainly would do Kaidoh no good.
He grabbed an extra pillow or two from the windowsill to pad the chair as he sat down, taking the first book off the small pile on the bedside table as had Inui promised. He looked down at the title - Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
"They actually read this to you as a kid?" he snorted, flipping to the first page, along side which sat a drawing of a beautiful woman surrounded by seven stumpy men.
He took a breath and started reading, slowly, stopping almost every page to check on Kaidoh. Besides the occasional twitch, there was no real change. Eventually he just turned his attention to the book, eyes grazing over the words and settling on the drawings - a small hut in the forests, the woman singing and cleaning with animals, the dwarves hiking off to work, the evil stepmother brewing her potion. The pages felt soft and well worn in his hands, obviously well loved and often read. And somehow it just seemed to fit this idealic little life this family lead - with its Snow White now laying abed and the seven dwarves down stairs stooped in worry.
He flipped the page, snorting when he saw the intricate painting of an unrealistically handsome prince leaning down and kissing Snow White, the dwarves and animals all watching in anticipation.
"And so the Prince kissed Snow White with the purity of true love's kiss, breaking the evil queen's curse. As the prince pulled back, she opened her eyes, stretching and yawning as if waking from a long and restful sleep," Momoshiro read, his eyes flickering up to the still form of his lover so carefully wrapped in blankets and sheets instead of put on display in a glass and gold coffin outside in the woods.
"If only things were that simple, right?" he asked, reaching out to stroke the terrifyingly warm cheek.
He looked down at the picture again, of the Prince kissing the spell bound princess. In a way it was oddly similar to Kaidoh. But who would even want to put a spell on him anyways? He didn't have an evil stepmother or anything after him. Maybe it had just been a terrible accident in these woods. They were supposed to be magical, after all. But no matter the reason, the reality remained that Kaidoh remained trapped in sleep.
"The purity of true love's kiss, huh?" Momoshiro huffed, slamming the book shut and setting it on the counter. "Why not? If nothing else, it might give you good dreams."
He leaned over the bed, his face above Kaidoh's. His lover's face was smoothed in the serenity of sleep, but he would have given anything at that moment to see the crease of his brows, the turn of his lips downward in a familiar scowl or hiss. Anything but this terrible sereneness.
"I love you," he whispered, leaning down and pressing his lips to Kaidoh's, still so horribly warm.
"I love you."
The words tore through the fog, ripped the cotton that crowded his hearing to shreds and beat at his very soul. Warmth spread through his body, making him tingle.
With a jerk he felt his body rising, as if hooked to a fishing line. The fog swirled around him, flashing by, the wind screaming in his ears as he hurtled up, and up, back towards something he knew, a tender warmth. But it was all coming to fast. He couldn't comprehend it.
He couldn't... where was he...
Light, beautiful burst light. And then -
Kaidoh groaned, eyebrows scrunching, slowly blinking his eyes open. The room felt to bright, even though he knew it was only the lamp on his bedside table that was glowing.
He turned his head slowly, frowning up at a familiar face. "What are you doing here?" he croaked. "I thought you had to go to the capital..."
The bedridden man grunted as he was suddenly brought into a fast hug, fearing his ribs would crack beneath the pressure. He hissed his displeasure, though Momoshiro still took his sweet time in letting him go. Kaidoh opened his mouth to berate the other, but found his words swallowed by the press of Momoshiro's lips, the sweep of his tongue.
"I can't believe that worked," Momoshiro laughed, kissing Kaidoh again and again in a happy delirium.
"What worked?" Kaidoh managed around the kisses, weakly shoving at Momoshiro, trying to get the other off him so he could get up.
Momoshiro paused, sitting on the edge of the bed, his hand holding Kaidoh's so tight his fingers went numb. "You don't remember?"
"Remember what?" Kaidoh demanded, tiring of this.
"You were under a spell or something. You've been asleep for a week or more now," Momoshiro explained.
Kaidoh blinked. "What?"
"Your parents probably know more than I do. All that matters is that you're awake now!" Momoshiro gushed, leaning down and kissing him again.
Kaidoh could have hissed, but he had to admit it felt good to kiss the other, to have him back here instead of riding off to the castle.
"Your parents," Momoshiro jerked back. "I have to go get them! They'll be so happy. I'll be right back!"
Kaidoh didn't have the strength to stop him, sighing as Momoshiro dashed out of his room and pounded down the stairs, shouting 'Hallelujah' all the way. Kaidoh just sighed and lay back into his pillows, eyes drifting over the forgotten fairy tales book on his bedside table.
Fuji clutched his head, writhing on the stone floor of his lab as his body exploded his pain. It was like knives were being stuck in him and twisted cruelly, like crows were cawing in his ears. He knew what this was, he could see the spells he cast unraveling, snapping back at him like a snapped violin string. He felt like he was being devoured by a pack of wolves, flesh torn from his bones by their savage teeth.
But at last the pain ended, leaving him a quivering mass of muscle and robes upon the floor. Each breath was a struggle, knives sliding down his throat, sweat dripping from his nose and jaw.
Fuji's eyes slid to the mirror, where Yuuta's face watched him, pressed to the glass. He could see the concern in it, and it was perhaps only his brother's worried anguish that gave him the strength to sit up. That - and rage.
"They broke my spell," he hissed.
"Who?" Yuuta's brows rose to the top of his short-cropped hair.
"Those backwoods bastards," he hissed, grasping the edges of the table and hauling himself up, his power building, his rage giving him power.
Fuji hobbled to the window, getting stronger with every step, an ominous rumble sounding as he flung the glass open. Power swirled around him in a red mist, electricity crawling along the edges.
But Fuji didn't hear, shouting the words to a teleportation spell, one destination set firmly in his mind.
Outside, the sky rumbled.
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