Shameless Plug and I Like The Way Chapter Three

Feb 06, 2006 11:06

Ok, I need your help! My best friend Tash has entered a competition to win her dream wedding. It's all very exciting over here, as we campaign for her to win, asking people to vote and the like. The thing is, it's all internet voteing, so I'm plugging the communities while I can, trying to score some votes for her. So, if you could take a bit of time, and Vote for 'Nat and Nat' here: Dream Wedding I'd be one happy munchie

Title: I Like the Way
Author: Mel
Fandom: RPS and Pirates of the Carabian
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Jack Sparrow/Orlando Bloom, Includes cameo pairings: Rupert Everett/Elijah Wood, Eric Bana/Colin Farell
Warnings: Supernatural and Adult Themes.
Summary: On the run from the Commodore, Captain Jack Sparrow encounters someone he never expected to.
Disclaimer: The characters in this story are just barbie dolls. do you remember making them havve sex when you were a kid? this is the same thing.
Author’s Notes: For Kitty and her orli!vamp fetish

Chapter Three

-I like the way you sing along-

Jack didn’t often get a chance to be fed from. It was always quiet the amazing sensation. Knowing it was coming, Jack had the time to relax, concentrating on the scent of the Vampire around him instead. Orlando smelt like chocolate, which made Jack smile. Concentrating on the boy straddling him took away most of the sting that Jack knew came with that first bite.

He was not ready for the sudden vortex of feelings that encompassed him. Maybe it was because Orlando was so young, he couldn’t contain his thoughts and feelings. Jack was sure, however, it was something more, something deeper. He could feel Orlando’s shock through this bond, it was obviously all new to him and he tried to pull back, to cut the connection.

Jack clung to him, trying to force the Vampire to stay close. He could feel Orlando’s fear and self-loathing, but also the hope that he would find a way to break this curse. It eased Jack’s heart a little to know that not everything was lost to Orlando. If Orlando so chose, Jack knew that he could throw him off. He didn’t though, which was certainly comforting, instead Jack felt the tentative first suck.

Orlando purred as his blood filled his mouth, Jack could feel his pleasure. He could practically taste his own blood on Orlando’s lips. Jack gasped out, shocked at the sudden level of intimacy, that he was certain Orlando could read every thought, every memory that was sailing through him. He had never felt so completely striped bare as he did while Orlando fed from him.

It lasted a lifetime and an instant. All to soon Jack could feel Orlando pull back, feel the worry that he had already taken too much. Though Jack tried to be comforting, he did not press his luck, letting Orlando move, his teeth slowly withdrawing. There was a gentle lick against the wound, drawing the holes closed and enticing a groan from Jacks lips.

That had certainly been the last thing he had expected when he had offered his blood to Orlando.

The young Vampire panted above him, eyes dilated, face showing the wonder that Jack felt.

“That has never happened before,” Orlando breathed, the whisper ghosting across Jack’s skin.

“It’s new to me too,” Jack murmured. If the boy wasn’t careful he was going to kiss him and break all the trust he’d gained. “Perhaps it’d be best if you stayed on board, come and visit my friend, maybe he would know what this is.”

A small, excited smile spread across Orlando’s lips. “You want me to stay?”

“Of course, as long as you’re willing to pull your weight with the crew,” Jack carefully hid his delight, wanting nothing more then to have the boy in close quarters for as long as possible.

Orlando’s smile faltered a little, “how? I will be no use during the day, unless it is stormy.”

“Then you will work nights, a ship that’s sailing will rarely drop anchor at night in open seas.” Jack rubbed his back soothingly. “I will find plenty of work for you, never fear about that.” Orlando looked ready to protest when he yawned. The action obviously surprised the suddenly sleepy Vampire. Jack grinned. “But a full stomach and your lack of sleep has caught up with you. Sleep for now Red.”

Slipping out from beneath the Vampire, watching for a moment as the boy appeared to give in. He turned, closing the shutters where he would normally leave them open. It would do no good to wake and find his friend a pile of ash so soon after meeting him.

When Jack turned Orlando was already fast asleep on his bed.


Pounding on the door made Jack fall out of his chair. He hadn’t had the heart, nor courage to waken the boy and shoo him into his own bed. Instead, Jack took his place in one of two wooden chairs in his room. He had even managed to balance with his feet on a high shelf, though it meant he rocked precariously on two legs of the chair.

The chair too, came crashing down with Jack, he squawked out in alarm. Orlando, he noticed when he turned his head to the bed, was sitting up a little dazed.

“Up Captain!” Anna Maria’s voice shouted through the wood.

Groaning Jack rolled over, pulling himself to his feet, his Vampire friend watched him.

“It’s almost dawn,” Orlando said.

Jack didn’t ask how he knew, years of being a vampire probably meant Orlando knew more about the cycles of the moon and sun then anyone. Jack shifted, straightening his clothing, walking to the door.

“Here’s your chance to leave,” Jack offered. “I wouldn’t dream of keeping you here, Red.”

There was silence, Jack’s heart sank a little. Perhaps the boy had changed his mind. Jack couldn’t fault him, asking him to follow him all over the seas, if he didn’t want to.

“I’ll see you tonight Captain.”

Jack grinned to himself, only Red would keep him guessing right till he was practically out the door. “Be careful of sunlight if you insist on searching around below decks.”

“Aye aye, captain.”

Jack smiled, closing the door behind him, almost running into Anna Maria. The woman grinned knowingly, eyebrow raised.

“Now would be a good time to keep your opinions to yourself.”

The grin stretched a little, growing into a smug smile. “Of course Captain.”

Groaning lightly, knowing this would not be the last he heard of it, Jack made his way onto the deck. It was early, but most of the crew was awake, preparing the Pearl to set sail. Jack would bet his last doubloon that many of them had not slept. It would be a long day for them all.

“Mr. Gibbs!” His long time friend lifted his head as he tied down some rope. The old sailor had followed Jack on a number of his more wild adventures. Between Anna Maria and Mr. Gibbs, Jack was sure the crew was sound. The two of them kept them together. Jack was a good Captain, but you need a good crew as well.

Jack was sure Orlando would fit right in.

“Aye Captain?”

“Ready the ship, we’re heading for Denmark…”


Orlando took Jack’s advice, checking out the rest of his ship while he worked on the deck. Normally Orlando would try to sleep during the day, there was often little to do inside where ever he could find to sleep. On a ship, however, he was sure there was at least a little mischief he could get into beneath the deck.

Shedding his jacket, Orlando left the room, cautiously peaking around the hall. He felt a little light headed, the blood from the night before filled his skin with power he hadn’t felt for quiet some time. Still, being up and about during the day time made his skin crawl, something he had never been able to shake.

Traipsing down the hallway he danced around the sun beams, thinking about the pirate. Orlando trusted instinctly, it was what had gotten him into this mess to begin with, he had certainly gotten better at it with time. Jack was honest, even though he was a pirate. Oh, Orlando was sure Captain Jack Sparrow would get him in his fair share of trouble. But he was equally sure that he would do his best to get him back out of it.

A good man.

Noises towards the back of the ship caught his attention, and the thoughts of the good Captain were put on hold as he found himself in the galley. There was a man in here, he was big, burly, certainly too big for the small bit of space. Hiss head was bald of hair though there was an interesting set of tattoos that sketched over his flesh.

The galley was already steaming and the man had not even bothered to get dressed properly, just his trousers. There were scars over his skin, his large hands handled his knife confidently were also riddled with the signs of battle.

Orlando watched him for a moment, he was an interesting person, not the sort he expected to see in a galley. However, when the big man turned his face towards him, Orlando understood. The old warrior’s eyes were milky white. He was blind.

“Was there anything you wanted kid? I have lunches to get ready for these good for nothing pirates and I can get it done much easier without you looking over my shoulder.”

Orlando grinned, he always had trouble sneaking past cats and blind men. “Could I lend a hand? I have nothing to keep me occupied till tonight.”

There was silence before the large man nodded, “there are always potatoes to peel, boy.”


Jack had been right, it had been a long day. Still, they had made good time, he would reach the Old Man by the morning, and then maybe there would be some answers. Answers would be nice.

“Cookie says you need to eat more.”

Jack looked over his shoulder. The sun had only just set and Orlando had already found his way to the deck with two bowls in his hands and covered in grime and food. “What are you doing, talking to Cookie? And don’t let him hear you call him that.”

Orlando grinned, “he also says he deserves a lot more respect from a young pup like you.”

“Cookie’s always saying things like that. I suppose he was who you spent your time with today?”

“Yes, he has an… interesting outlook on you, and the rest of the crew. I certainly felt at least a little useful today.”

Jack took his bowl, looking at the contents. Cookie was blind and not the best of cooks. At least today it didn’t look so bad and was sure Orlando had a hand in it.

They sat together on the deck, eating in silence as the night started to fall and the stars came out. The ship worked around them, Jack smiling as Orlando hummed to himself, watching the sky.

“We will reach Denmark before dawn. And some answers. There won’t be much time for sleep tonight.”

Orlando smiled. “Of course, Captain.”


pairing:orlando bloom/ jack sparrow, rps fanfiction, fic:i like the way

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