FIC: Sunny Shores [3/20] Hugh Jackman/Elijah Wood

Oct 17, 2011 21:14

Well, Now that Uni's practically finished time to get back into the LJ swing, I'd like to get a couple of months ahead on my stories before I get back to the craziness that comes with classes. but till then, another repost.

Title: Sunny Shores
Author: Mel
Fandom: LOTR RPS
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Elijah Wood/Hugh Jackman
Warnings: Fluff, fun
Summary: Elijah’s voicing ‘Mumble’ in Happy Feet and has a little crush.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, I’m just playing
Author’s Notes: this was suppose to be well and truly posted in time for Elijah’s Birthday, but no such luck. They’re just short, sweet, chapters following a summer romance *snerk* and all sorts of fun

Chapter Three of Twenty

Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  Elijah wanted to strangle Hugo for giving him absolutely no warning.  Not that he had any clue of what was going on inside of his head, but that made no difference.  It would have been nice to not be taken completely off guard to find Hugh, the object of his little hero worship, sitting in the private hire car with them.  Of course if he’d gotten any warning, Elijah reckoned he would have chickened out and not come to begin with.  Unsure which would have been the safer option he let himself be led towards the car.

He moved in and out of the conversation easy, it wasn’t hard, Hugo and Hugh asked him questions to include him, and he made sure to pipe in occasionally.  He did feel a little out of his element, the conversation frittered along the lines of theater and movies, and he could keep up easily with the movie jargon, but the Theater was a little out of his depth.

That and the fact that Hugo had taken the front seat, next to the driver to offer himself better leg room, leaving Hugh and him alone on the back seat.  He shouldn’t have been too nervous about it, obviously, it wasn’t like the private car was small.  Elijah could have lay down and still not touched Hugh.  It was the principal of the thing.  He was in a small space with a man he was desperately attracted to, who smelt deliriously good.

No one should smell this good.

Elijah had no doubt he was about to make a fool of himself.  Hugh wasn’t very old, Elijah had worked alongside older men, but this was the first he’d been this obsessed with.  And he liked other guys.  He was bound to do something that made Hugh think of him as five year old child.

“Have you been to Sydney before?”

“Yeah,” Elijah had to fight to sound like he wasn’t trying to impress him.  Why did he have to be Wolverine too?  The world was all sorts of unfair.  “I came with the rest of the hobbits a couple of times.  The beaches are worth it.”

That sounded normal, didn’t it?  And why did he have to smile like that?

“Yeah,” he nodded, agreeing. “It’s been a while though, did you want to go, while you’re here?”

“You won’t get me to the beach,” Hugo said from the front, looking slightly over to them. “I’m much too old for that sort of thing.”

“Maybe we could go surfing?” Elijah couldn’t believe his luck, Hugo was practically giving him the perfect reason to spend a day with Hugh at some time.

“Bondi’s perfect,” Hugh smiled again, that quick flash of teeth that made Elijah just a little giddy.  “You’ll have to teach me though, I’ve never been surfing.”

Perfect.  “It’s fun, and I wont go to hard on you.”

“It’s a date then.”

Elijah tried not to think too much on the sound in Hugh’s voice as Hugo changed the subject.  It was too much to hope that he’d heard a little wistfulness in it.


“I’d thought you were going to show us Sydney?” Hugo looked around, his irritation warring with amusement.  “So far I’ve seen nothing but a bunch of buildings.”

“Don’t be so impatient,” Hugh either got lost without anyone noticing or knew precisely where they were going.  After dropping their luggage, Hugh had taken them in hand and walking down streets.  There was something insanely different about walking down a major Australian city.

Maybe it was the people.  Elijah had past a young asian woman with head phones over her ears and three different piercing on her face alone.  There was a Indian man on a street corner singing praises to his god.  An Aboriginal man was selling artwork on bits of wood outside the subway station.  The piece Elijah had brought showed his clan by a river 300 miles away.  All of them seemed to fit in a busy metropolitan city.

“Where are you taking us?”  Elijah asked, interested despite himself.  When they’d come to Sydney last time they’d seen the beaches and the clubs, nothing overly out there in the way of tourist spots.  They’d stopped to get a sandwich at a little snack shop and Hugh was obviously leading them someone.

He was a little surprised when they stopped at a large oriental gate.  Hugh paid for them at the entrance, and they walked in through the doors.

“I thought this’d be nice for our lunch,” Hugh offered with a grin.  The Chinese garden was all rock with clinging trees.  Something was flowering and there were petals everywhere.

“This is nice,” Hugo nodded, moving down the paved path.  There was a courtyard that had a mural of a dragon and a phoenix flying across the sky and Hugo sat.  Hugh’s hand pressed against the small of Elijah’s back and he had to suppress a shiver at the unconscious touch.

“Is that a wedding?”

Elijah had to drag attention away from what he was feeling, pointing to a young couple standing beneath one of the trees.  They were dressed in traditional Chinese outfits, kimonos of bright blue and green.

“Probably not,” Hugh bent over his shoulder, pointing to a small building hidden amongst the trees.  “They hire out the outfits for an hour or two so you can walk around and take photos.”

The hand against Elijah’s back burned as they moved to sit beside Hugo and at their lunch.


rps fanfiction, fic:sunny shores, pairing:hugh jackman/elijah wood

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