FIC: Sunny Shores [2/20] Hugh Jackman/Elijah Wood

Sep 26, 2011 21:21

Title: Sunny Shores
Author: Mel
Fandom: LOTR RPS
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Elijah Wood/Hugh Jackman
Warnings: Fluff, fun
Summary: Elijah’s voicing ‘Mumble’ in Happy Feet and has a little crush.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, I’m just playing
Author’s Notes: this was suppose to be well and truly posted in time for Elijah’s Birthday, but no such luck. They’re just short, sweet, chapters following a summer romance *snerk* and all sorts of fun

Chapter Two of Twenty

Meeting up with Hugo Weaving in LA was a bit of a surprise.  Hugh had taken a little time off in between projects.  With the ‘Boy from OZ’ having finished up its Australian tour and Happy Feet about to take up a couple of months of his time, Hugh had decided he wanted a little time to himself.

When shopping for the latest fashions for his eight year old niece, the last person he’d thought he’d stumble into was a fellow Aussie Actor.  Hugo was shopping for one of his girls.  They hadn’t done much together, in relative terms Hugh was a lot newer to the business then Hugo and almost in a different sect then Hugh.  While Hugh had done some TV and light movie roles early, most of his career was on the stage then in the studio.

Of course, it didn’t mean they hadn’t met.  There were award shows and parties that they had been to and been introduced.  Hugh had watched ‘Pricilla’ like everyone else and ‘Lord of the Rings’ of course.  Australia’s acting community was rather small and everyone knew, or at least knew of, everyone else.

It wasn’t hard for Huge to smile and start a conversation.  It was comfortable, easy, Hugo made him laugh.  The stories the older man had were a delight.  Some of the stories coincided with Dave’s, which made it easy to ask questions and follow the story.

The look on Hugo’s face was priceless.

“I hadn’t thought that was common knowledge, who do you know well amongst the cast?”  Hugo asked as Hugh finished a story for him.

“David Wenham and I worked on Van Hellsing together,” Hugh chuckled.  “The stories that came out of that shoot are amazing.  I still don’t know how you all survived.”

“Neither do we,” Hugo laughed with him.  It was easy to tell how fondly he remembered the time.  “So you’re the man Daisy spoke of?”

“Perhaps,” Hugh teased, “It’d depend on what he had to say.”

“Only fond words,” Hugo laughed, “you left an impression.”

“He’s a good friend,” Hugh smiled.  In truth, Dave was beautiful, and Hugh hadn’t been shy to tell him so.  If Dave hadn’t been so straight, Hugh would have pursued him.  As it was, Hugh had been surprised when his request for a date had been agreed to.  But Dave wasn’t a bad guy, he wasn’t the sort of fella that’d go out on a pity date, or to beat him up for making moves on him.  Hugh was never completely certain for his reasons but he’d been honest about it and had come out for a good time.

There was no awkwardness afterwards, even after the kiss at his door.  Hugh still got a phone call from him occasionally.

The rest of his afternoon with Hugo passed uneventful; they finished their shopping and stopped for coffee.  When Hugo looked at his watch it was after five and he heaved a sigh.

“I hate to cut this short,” he stood, collecting his packages, “but I have a flight back home in the morning.  I have to get back to the hotel.”

Hugh stood to, disappointed.  He was in LA for another week by himself before he headed back to Australia.  He’d had a good time in Hugo’s company, and he was looking forward to meeting up with the rest of the Happy Feet cast now.

“Why don’t I come to?” it was a little presumptuous, but Hugh was sure Hugo had had a good time too, and both wanted to continue their conversation.  “I can change the flight easily enough, if you don’t mind me tagging along?”

“Of course not,” the older man beamed, “I am yet to convince of the superiority of the silver screen.”

“Until you see the light on the wonder of the stage, I doubt I’ll agree with you.”  Hugh laughed, taking his phone from his pocket and dialing his agent.

Which was how he ended up on the other side of the planet some fifteen hours later.  Somewhere he’d lost a day, something he never really got use to.  Though it was practically midnight in LA, Australian’s were getting stuck into their morning coffee.  He and Hugo had both napped some on the plane, but Hugh knew he’d have to be awake for another ten hours at least to start trying to kick his sleeping patterns into gear.  Not too mention the queasy feeling that followed him with the shift in time zones would not go away for some time and was guaranteed to keep him awake.

Hugo wasn’t much better and Hugh fought to keep their conversation going so neither was thinking of how bad they felt.  Getting through customs was relatively simple, even with being stuck behind a woman with her three tired and grumpy children.

“I’ll get us a car,” Hugh paused as they came out the international terminal, trying to get his bearings.

“There’s no need, Elijah’s picking us up.”  Hugo dismissed it, looking around for the younger man.

“Ah,” Hugh remembered he was Frodo, and as one of the Hobbits, had often been a part of Dave’s stories.  “He’s not driving, is he?”

Hugo laughed, “no, he just wanted to see me, we’ll be in one of the production cars. Elijah!”  Hugo stopped walking, his voice carrying over the general din of the airport, his hand lifting in a short wave.

Hugh shouldn’t have been shocked, not really.  He’d seen Lord of the rings like everyone else, but he still wasn’t prepared when the young man coming towards them lifted his own sunglasses and the brightest pair of blue eyes.  Well, towards Hugo anyway.  He guessed he’d always thought they were highlighted in the editing process, but no, Elijah’s eyes were that colour.  His brown hair was short and he had it spiked a little.  Jeans and a slightly rumpled green shirt were casual, but probably a little impractical.  Sydney wasn’t as cold as some places, but it had just come out of winter, he’d freeze given too long outside.

There was a smile that was almost a smirk on his face as he reached them.

“Mornin’ my Lord,” he said with a short laugh as he burrowed into Hugo’s arms.  Hugh had been in the business long enough to know this was odd behavior for cast mates, but he’d gotten the feeling the Lord of the Rings set had been an odd set.

He waited for the two to greet each other, passing stories back and forth as only people on friendly terms could.

It was his eyes, Hugh decided.  When they were closed, or Hugh couldn’t see them he looked well into his twenties. But when they were open, and especially when he was smiling, Elijah looked much younger.  Hugh knew he’d have to make an effort not to treating like one of his young nieces, the last thing he wanted to do was piss off the young man.

“It’s not going to be a problem if Hugh comes along with us?”  Hugo asked, dragging Hugh into the conversation.

Hugh stuck out his hand, grinning, “Hugh Jackman, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wood.”

The younger man’s hand was warm, and probably half the size of his own.  It was firm and trusting and he grinned at him.  “Don’t mind My Lord’s lack of introduction.  It’s nice to meet you too.”  His words and tone were half way between automatic politeness and genuine amusement.  There was something intriguing in his eyes too, something that made Hugh hold onto the hand just a fraction too long to be a simple greeting.

“Which way is it to get out of here?”  Hugo wasn’t looking at them, his eyes roaming around for a sign to point out their exit.  He hadn’t noticed.

“This way,” Hugh pointed out the exit, picking up his suitcase, “you’ve been away from home too long, Old Man.”

“You’ll be guiding us around, I need to stay awake, so keep your comments on my age too yourself,” Hugo muttered good naturally, drawing a smile from Hugh.

Hugh rubbed his spare hand against his pants, trying to get rid of the tingle against his palm.


rps fanfiction, fic:sunny shores, via ljapp, pairing:hugh jackman/elijah wood

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