He's a stranger to some...

May 05, 2007 00:26

So yeah, it's still Friday when I strated this, so lets see how long into Saturday I can get.

Anyway, these ingections haven't fucked me around too badly but that doesn't mean I haven't taken a day off for it. I'm going to crawl over to my parents place and borrow their internet connection and eat their food and generally annoy the sweet fuck out of them with my whining *snerk*

Still addicted to Heroes, we're up to episode 16 now, I think, and I just know things are only going to get more interesting now... More and more... evil. Waiting to get stuck into my copy of Robin Hood as well *nods* Random TV series's make me as happy as anime does.

That said, Utawarerumono is driving me mad. It's so slow and boring, even though I have only one episode to go. It's an irritation, because it's had such good fan reviews, but it does absolutly nothing for me. Even the underlying romance to the story (which would usually keep me watching) is just as boring with little to no progress. So why keep watching something I am not interested in? I don't like to be left wondering 'how did that end?', I'd rather sit through something I'm not enjoying, then stop halfway through. I also had hoped it'd get better along the way (a lot of animes that I enjoy in the end do just that). Still, at least i now wont be tempted to buy it on dvd 'cause "I heard it's good" which is usually my reason for buying anime (yes, I never need much of a reason to buy anime).

azewewish had a link to this little titdbit. It's a guide to writing good fanfic. Now I've been writing forever (my first bit of fanfiction was a Star Trek based story for my english class in grade school) but I'm only just starting to get confident in my writing. It's not a pitch for comments, it's just that I feel happier with a lot of my more recent works, and I think thats good for a writer. But reading this I left with the knowledge of how far I have to go, that most of even the basics (even with my limited creative writing skills) I'm lacking in. It's wonderful to see how far I've come, but a different sort of good to know that my stories need fine tuning. A skill I'll get better at the more I write, and get better at noticing my mistakes.

All right, and now bed, good night to all, and hopefully I'll see you all Monday!

rambelings:tv, rambelings:anime, rambelings

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