Sit down, It's just a talk

Apr 13, 2007 11:22

The song How to save a Life by the Fray makes me sad, but the film clip makes me cry. *snoogles all the munchkins* being a kid is hard ass, i was lucky, I had a very strong structure of family and friends, so I came out reativly unscratched (when i went to tell my father I was bi, he freaked out I was going to tell him I was pregnant, so it seemed sort of anticlimatic to tell him I liked girls as well). Now kids are getting to see the human race at it's worst, it's most disillisioned an dleast tolerent. A child can not think of being an actor/ess without looking at their wasteline, they can't think of protecting their nation the way they want without looking at their romantic interests. Drugs are becoming easier to get a hold of, and a lot less safe, the lines of individuality are blurring that a child cant have an original opinion without being shunned by their peers. And while science is helping us live longer, it's also helping us kill faster. Bleh, evil song of doom!!! So yeah the world's fucked, I think I'll write porn now.

I finished up that evil chapter of Arabian Nights, and I've started this chapter of Sunny Shores (which should be fairly short) and then I'm getting stuck into an Orli/Beanie story for the lotr_step_kids April/May challenge. I don't write Beanie often (seemingly only in Arabian Nights) so it's a nice change.

OMGZ!!!! I got my tickets to Europe!!! I leave at the end of August, and I'm going to get to meet timour and rynthjan finally!!! You'll hear a lot more about this in the coming months, and then I'll disappear for two months. I'll be setting up a journal for my friends and family to keep in contact with me, and you'll all be welcome to check up on me, except I wouldn't mention my crazy Orli fetish too much, it's not really something i talk about to my family...

Ok, gotta go finish this lasange, love you!

rambelings:story updates, rambelings:music, rambelings

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