Fic: Sunny Shores [7/20] Elijah Wood/Hugh Jackmen

Apr 04, 2007 10:04

I'd been waiting for this to happen, Beryll surprised me with the next chapter of Arabian Nights. And because the story is beyond evil i must write the next chapter. I'm always amused at how much i get suckered in to my own story. I suppose it's different when your co-writing something. We're currently working on chapter 77 (dear god) and are hoping to break the 100 mark before the end of the year. Someone should eat us.

Title: Sunny Shores
Author: Mel (
Fandom: LOTR RPS
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Elijah Wood/Hugh Jackman
Warnings: Fluff, fun
Summary: Elijah’s voicing ‘Mumble’ in Happy Feet and has a little crush.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, I’m just playing
Author’s Notes: this was suppose to be well and truly posted in time for Elijah’s Birthday, but no such luck. They’re just short, sweet, chapters following a summer romance *snerk* and all sorts of fun

( Previous Chapters)


Chapter Seven of Twenty

“My fucking head.” Brittney had let herself into his room, carrying her morning tea. She’d picked up her tea fetish from Clive on the Sin City set. Elijah had managed to steer clear of it even with all the British guys in New Zealand, but Brittney still loved the drink.

Breakfast had been a more then interesting affair, at least on Elijah’s behalf. He hadn’t been too sure if it would be a good idea to wake up Hugh like he had so far, but he’d been unable to come up with a reason that he shouldn’t. So armed with their coffees he’d gone up to his room. Hugh hadn’t changed, he was just as out of it as always, foggy and gulping at his coffee.

It made Elijah smile.

He’d left him when he got in the shower, assuming this was when Hugh woke up seeing as he always much more alive when Elijah would see him ten minutes later. Elijah would head straight downstairs, get another coffee and say good morning to everyone else. Even with the recordings having started the Monday just gone, they still made time to see each other for breakfast.

This morning, of all mornings, Hugh’s hand brushed against the small of his back as he came into the private dinning room they had their breakfast.

“Morning Elijah,” and he smiled at him before snagging a bun from the basket on the table and sitting with Hugo.

It had given Elijah goose bumps but he’d managed a smile.

When Robin and Brittney had finally joined them they were both desperately hung over. Both had merely grunted to them in greeting, their heads in their hands, recoiling from any food. Elijah had taken pity on the two of them, finding some pain pills and water. Apparently their night had only ended a handful of hours earlier, but neither had wanted to miss the little ritual, napping only a little before coming.

As such neither were particularly good company and didn’t notice Elijah squirming or shooting nervous glances in Hugh’s direction, which was probably a blessing. For Hugh’s part he was just as warm and friendly as normal, but he shared more smiles then usual and there was a delightful crinkling around his eyes that there hadn’t been before. It made Elijah all sorts of delighted to know that he wasn’t the only one effected by the change.

“It feels like someone’s gnawing on my head,” Brittney sat, moaning as she did, like the movement caused her pain.

“The pills aren’t helping?” Elijah asked, filling a glass with water and putting it in front of her, for when she finished her tea. “You’re lucky it’s Saturday and we don’t have to work.”

“Not yet,” she sighed, sipping the tea, eyeing the water she knew she should be drinking. “You and Hugh are lucky you didn’t come with us. Robin’s kind of full on once he gets started. I think he almost convinced me to go stealing street signs with him. If we’d been near a farm we would have gone cow tipping.”

Elijah chuckled at the thought of the two very drunk stars trying to pull a fast one on a couple of sleeping cows. He got the feeling the cows wouldn’t be asleep for long with the noise the two would make telling each other to be quiet.

“You’re too happy this morning,” Brittney said suddenly, eyeing him. “What changed? You were all moody and emo on me last week, what happened last night-“ she gasped, eyes widening like a gold fish. “You and Hugh got it on!”

“Brit!” Elijah knew he’d gone bright red. “We did not!”

“You confessed your undying love and he made sweet luv to your booty?”

Elijah’s face screwed up. “I really don’t need that mental image this morning.”

“That’s ok, I don’t think I did either,” Brittney looked a little green.

“Hugh asked me out for dinner tonight,” he said, dashing any other fanciful situations Brittney could come up with. “It’s just one date.”

They grinned at each other. There was no fooling Brittney, she knew it was an important thing, at least to him. Elijah could also tell that Brittney was getting excited, most of her hang over forgotten. It was kind of infectious.

“What are you going to wear?” She picked up her water as she stood, moving to the closet already.

“I hadn’t even thought of that,” Elijah followed her, both knowing and dreading what was coming. If Hannah was here she’d do the same thing.

“Well, we can’t go out and buy you something new, that’d be like your trying to hard. Do you know where you’re going?”

“None,” he watched as Brittney pulled shirts and pants in and out of his closet, “Hugh just said casual and nothing that would get in the way.”

Brittney snorted. “You’d best leave your cape at home then,” she muttered wryly, “you’re whole wardrobe is casual, how the hell am I suppose to pick one thing?”

“I was just going to throw something on-“

“You’ll do no such thing,” Brittney thrust a pair of jeans his way. “Try these on.”

Elijah sighed, taking the jeans, and mentally prepared himself for the next few hours of trying on his whole wardrobe until Brittney was satisfied.


When there was a knock on the door at almost five, Elijah took a deep breath, switching off the tv he hadn’t really been watching. He’d managed to get Brittney out of his room half an hour before. He had the distinct feeling this was the sort of thing Brittney did with his girl friends back home and kept expecting her to bring out the nail polish. It had been I fight to convince her he didn’t need the emotional support and that he’d be fine to meet Hugh on his own.

In reality he really didn’t want anyone else to see the nervous wreak he’d steadily become during the course of the day.

Another deep breath and he was out of his chair and to the door, rubbing his suddenly sweaty hands on the blue jeans he and Brittney had agreed on. He also wore a dark blue shirt, blue was his colour, it went with his eyes. Brittney agreed and even with the dark colour this shirt didn’t make him look too pale.

Hugh smiled at him when he opened the door.

“Evening Elijah,” his voice was a little softer then normal. It made Elijah feel special, it wasn’t how he sounded around everyone else.

“Hey,” Elijah managed, grateful he didn’t squeak. “You look good.”

He did. Black slacks and an ivy green shirt with the first two buttons undone. His hair was brushed off his face, with stray strands falling haphazardly around. He still smelt a little of soap, he must have had another shower.

“So do you.” Elijah fought a shiver as his eyes raked over him. “Come on, we can’t be late.”

Taking the hand held out for him Elijah let himself be led astray, closing the door behind him.


rps fanfiction, fic:sunny shores, pairing:hugh jackman/elijah wood

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