Title: GA Drabbles
Author: wICKEDjOY
Characters: Cristina Yang, Meredith Grey, Callie Torres, Erica Hahn - Callie/Hahn
Rating: PG-13 (Same as the show)
Standard disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libellous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
It’s Not Okay
“Why are we jogging to work?” Meredith asks.
“Because it helps us think.”
“Right… Is this about Hunt?”
“What? No!”
They veer off the footpath and onto the street in order to dodge a couple of women who are piling boxes onto the back of a small truck.
“I’ve already got enough to think about trying to win the solo surgery. Plus, I’ve got to find a way to get Hahn back.”
Meredith shoots a worried look at her friend. “I thought you’d be doing a happy dance with the little Munchkins.”
“You haven’t met Dickson. Hey, watch it!” Cristina snaps as an energetic young woman almost trips her with a rake.
“Sorry,” she calls after them.
“She can’t be worse than Hahn.” Meredith counters.
“If Dickson threatened to cut my heart out, I’d be crapping myself.”
By the time they reach the hospital, Cristina is feeling edgy. She stops.
“Something’s not right.”
“I’ll say.” Meredith snarks. “I’m at work, in sweats, when I could be at home having dreamy morning sex. And you are actually missing Hahn!”
As they near the hospital entrance Cristina notices a stricken looking Callie, sitting on the bench outside reception, staring into space.
“Hey, Callie. Are you ok?”
“Leaves,” she mutters.
“Leaves,” she repeats. “I - I - I can’t see them. I mean, I literally can’t see them.” She starts to sound a little more hysterical. “There’s no leaves. Nowhere. Not anywhere. No leaves for me.”
As Cristina’s eyes scan the grounds she realises Callie is right. There’s not a leaf in sight. The trees are bare. The gutters are empty, the footpaths and pavers spotless.
“Ok. That’s weird.”
“Where do you think they all went?”
Meanwhile, somewhere on the other side of town, Erica sits in a café sipping an espresso.
A small plane flies overhead. It’s a skywriter. Soon the words WE SEE LEAVES TOO stretch across the Seattle skyline.
She smiles.