Title: GL Drabble - Back to the Future - 450 words
Author: wICKEDjOY
Characters: Olivia Spencer, Natalia Rivera, Emma Spencer
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A glimpse into the future at the Farmhouse of Love.
Standard Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libellous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
A/N: Because even though it’s beyond a joke, we can’t help the snark. This was a case of react, write it, post it, so... fingers crossed.
Back to the Future - 450 words
“Hey! I was watching that!” Natalia snaps as Olivia sinks into the couch beside her.
“The Merger with AG3 Consolidated will be finalised today. I need to check the Market Report,” Olivia explains, turning up the volume.
“Excuse me,” Natalia yanks the remote control from her hands, “but Martha was about to explain her secret technique for meringue.”
“Oh come on, Natalia! You don’t need Martha’s secrets,” Olivia tries to snatch the remote back but Natalia has a vice-like grip on the little sucker and she won’t let go.
They struggle for a moment, until Natalia meets Olivia’s gaze. Her nostrils flare.
“Olivia, we both know that I am going to watch Martha and you are going to go and Google the Market Report, so why don’t you save us both the trouble and just let go.”
And while she knows the score, and has done for years, Olivia still lifts her chin in one last useless attempt at defiance.
The tension between them is practically crackling through the air, broken this time, by the groovy ring of Olivia’s cell.
She answers it without releasing the remote.
“Emma? Hi honey, how are you?”
Natalia tries to pull it free, but Olivia holds fast.
“Oh, you know me and your Ma,” Olivia jokes down the phone, never dropping her gaze from those commanding brown eyes. “We’re just sitting around making matching jogging suits look good.”
Natalia suppresses a snort at that.
“Hang on, honey, I’ll put it on speaker phone.”
“Hello?” Emma’s voice echoes into the room.
“Hi Em. How’s things?” Natalia asks, keeping her tone casual.
“Things are really great,” Emma answers. “Actually, I’ve got some news. Are you guys sitting down?”
Olivia raises an eyebrow.
“Uh, yes...” Natalia replies, hesitantly.
“Well, get ready to jump up ‘cause... I’m getting married!”
After twenty minutes of laughing, crying and hearing all about Emma’s most romantic proposal, Olivia and Natalia still find themselves sitting on the couch holding fast to that damn remote control.
“Our little girl’s getting married,” Natalia sighs.
“Christ, we’re getting old,” Olivia groans.
“Well, lucky for me, you age well,” Natalia grins, busting out a dimple or two.
“I do, huh?” Olivia shuffles closer.
“Mmm, hmm,” Natalia concedes. “But if you’re hoping for some action right now, you’d better let go of this remote.”
Olivia can’t drop the thing fast enough.
“You’re so beautiful.”
Olivia runs her hands through Natalia’s silvering hair.
“I love you so much.”
Natalia strokes Olivia’s cheek and squeezes her shoulder passionately.
“Me too.”
They bump their foreheads together and sigh.
“Wanna go makes some cookies?” Natalia asks.
“I’ll race ya to the kitchen,” Olivia grins. “Loser gives up the remote for a week.”