May 09, 2005 20:32
I never ever ever ever ever ever wanna grow up! Yup!
Stupid, stuuupid college. I’ve now used the phrase “sucks so much” that it’s lost aaaaall meaning.
Sucks SO much.
Okay, so not all meaning.
So applied for my classes today. Yay English major.
The alumni that was helping us out hated me, though. I kept asking about AP classes and asking if the 5 ones I have taken count for credit, tra la la la, and I could just see him classifying me in his brain.
Leigh: What about the English credits? Do those count yet? Do those count yet? Huh huh huh?
Him: *rassinfrassin’stupidgradegrubbingsnobdoesn’tevencareaboutknowledgejustthegrademumblegrumble*
I totally felt it. Maybe it was wearing the collared shirt and glasses today to orientation. I DO look a bit nerdish.
Anyway. Totally felt the judgment. And he was charming to everybody else, too, sigh.