Name: Leigh- after my auntie.
Age: 17
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I think I would put more money into education around the world. That in itself would solve a lot of problems today.
Who is your favorite Hogwarts teacher? Professor Lupin- I love Remus Lupin’s characterization (he’s my favorite Marauder, too, I think). I think he’s highly underestimated in favor of the more tragic characters of Sirius Black and James Potter, and written off as a do-gooder.
Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter? Post OoTP, Ginny Weasley. She’s come a long way from the beginning of the books, coming into her own in OoTP. I connect with her because of her spunk- I like to think I have a little of that.
Who is your least favorite character in Harry Potter? I really dislike Percy. The fact that he completely betrayed his family really bothered me- I mean, I can respect that he had different beliefs and had to leave because of them- but callously not even trying to keep peace even with his parents rubs me the wrong way. Family is one of the most important things you have.
What makes a person respectable? A person is respectable according to how they live and set examples for others. A respectable person would be someone I could trust, and know would give me good advice if I asked him or her.
What is your take on religion? I’m raised in a religious family, but I’m not very fond of organized religion- I’m more into a personal relationship with God/whatever deity. I try to avoid discussing religion with people unless I know them very, very well- such as my best friend- and not even then unless I know we would do it from a purely philosophical point of view.
What do you think about house elves? I think that if they’re happy, you shouldn’t force them to live differently because you think they should. It’s a losing battle, anyway- in any cause, you need a spark to ignite the uproar, and house elves seem to like their lot in life.
What do you look for in a friend? I think a sense of humor is needed- as a main beginning. But trust is very important to me, very important. A lot of my friendships have died because I couldn’t trust them. For me, respect is trust, and trust is respect, in that I couldn’t trust someone I didn’t respect, and I couldn’t respect someone I couldn’t trust. I know that seems contradicting, but until someone shows me they can’t be respected/trusted, I’ll respect them. A one-chance philosophy- if someone loses my respect/trust, it will probably take him or her a long time to regain it.
Would you rather have friends and family or money and success? Money and success would be rather lonely without friends and family. Success would be nice, and I love to win, but it’s not everything.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? More patience. I have so little. It’s sad, but true. I suppose I would be much more serene if I wasn’t so impatient. In a way, it’s a good quality, as I often get things done, but on the other hand, it irritates others.
What do you feel is your best quality? I think that would have to be common sense. I’m not a genius or brilliant, but sometimes when I have that gut feeling, when my brain just says, “This is a stupid idea” or “they’re lying to you” or something to that effect- call it street smarts, call it common sense, call it whatever you like - it’s a trait I like, and wish I had more of.
What are your hobbies? I’m involved in theatre a lot- not as an actress, but as the head of the construction department (in charge of building the sets). I love to draw cartoons and doodle aimlessly, as well as work on portraits and anatomy studies. The human body in general- anatomy- fascinates me. I also often go running, with my headphone radio- it’s marvelous just being able to think, and running often takes you to interesting places on the way.
Do you want to have children? Yes. I used to think I didn’t, and now I’m scared to God of screwing them up, but I do.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?Yes- I’ve volunteered at my church, at the kitchens. It makes me happy to help people, and it’s so interesting to meet people you normally wouldn’t have met had you never had the gumption to jump outside your normal box.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?Anything I could, I guess. If there was someone nearby I could enlist for help, I would, but if it were just I, I would do anything to help him or her. What else could I do, let him/her die?
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I’d like to be happy. It seems simple, but the aim in my life is to be content and not have any regrets of things that I could’ve/would’ve/should’ve done.
Who is your role model? My role model would have to be Theodore Roosevelt, the American ex-president. He was a total political loose cannon- so out there, but so popular, that the Republican party decided that they couldn’t risk putting him into power. So, instead, they made him the vice president. They had basically put him in a position of political suicide that would’ve worked if McKinley, the president, hadn’t been assassinated. Suddenly, Roosevelt was president and the Republicans couldn’t do anything about it. Roosevelt started by going after all of the big business that controlled the American political system (“The trusts”) and won a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating a peace treaty.
What trait most annoys you about other people? When people talk and talk and really have nothing to say at all- or refuse to acknowledge another line of thinking.
What do you want to do for a living?I don’t know, really. I’m kind of scared that I don’t- something that will make me happy. I’ve gone from wanting to write to wanting to teach to wanting to be a mortuary scientist (the anatomy).
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?I think that, while I can’t see any situation for the Imperius curse or Cruciatus, that the Killing Curse might be necessary. If someone cannot be brought in quietly, and other people are dying because they can’t be subdued, it seems like justification.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I don’t think I’d fit into Hufflepuff. This is nothing against Hufflepuff at all, but I just think I’d fit better in the other three than I would there. Hufflepuff House has always struck me as one that was very, very loyal, that could work as a team, which was always true without a fault. I, on the other hand, am sadly lacking in my ‘belief in others’- I’d rather do something myself, plan it out myself, and see it through than work as a group.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?I guess I’m inventive ( I like to draw/make up stories/play with gadgets), have a sense of humor (I'm forever having to laugh at myself), rational (in order to berate myself after being so impatient), independent, and spontaneous (this gets me into trouble more often than not, though.)
Where did you find out about us? I read about you in
cleolinda’s journal.