ok well its been a crazy long busy week
but yester was crazy i didnt get any sleep when i got home from work and at 10:30 me and Sam met Birtney at in ripple it was so fucking hott and u know me in all black and long pants dieing for fashion lol well we shoping around i got me these
http://www.hotfootshoes.com/browser/S003__9a/product/R003__P9F55bG4E444875889606545/items.htmland a house of haunted hill shirt and a bauhus bela dead shirt that ive been look for for ever
well i thinki got dehighrated or how ever you spell it so me and sam went back i was soo tired and felt sick so i called in sick and sleeped all night after sam went home
well its friday im go 2 greenwood w/ Bobby to day that should be fun i hope i dont die in the heat again ! that would fuckin suck
well now im gonna go get me some fast food my stomach is growling like crazy