Standing there with my arms folded I watched as Spike gave his slightly spurred annoying remarks before disappearing up the steps, Fred on his heels
"He's drunk. Don't listen to a word he says."Great, now Fred is tagging after him like a wide eyed puppy. Spike, William the bloody retard is her champion now. Nothing about that is making me
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"What?" I asked defensively when he had to go and bring up the dead pets spell thing. "It was in Latin. Do you have any idea how long those things take to translate, and it wasn't like I had a whole lot of help on the angry British guy front." My stern tone was all shot out the window the wide smile broke out over my face.
"You're really back, so I don't care. It worked."
"Your right, it doesn't matter now. Neither of us is dead, or evil, or something in between." And best of all Spike was gone to do whatever it was he planned on doing. No, that wasn't the best thing. The best thing was seeing her smile.
"You're right about that. Now hopefully things around here can get back to some semblance of normal. Which I guess by everyone else's standards is low, but hey! Gotta find that bright side!" I wondered how long it would be til we got to the shopping. I mean, who even knew what was left of all of his clothes upstairs. I hadn't been in there in a long time. When Angel first died I spent a lot of time in his old room, and then one day I picked myself up and dusted myself off. I said to myself; self, there are people counting on you and you can't sit around and mope about this forever. No, that was Wesley's job.
Or was she already thinking about going shopping?
"You know, I think we should find someplace that pretty much isn't here. What do you think?" As much as I wanted to see Doyle and talk to everybody else...I didn't want to be interrupted again.
"I think that's the best idea you could have had." I didn't know where we were going, and I knew that shopping was probably pushing it. I mean, sure, I love spending lots of money on overpriced clothing but he just got back. Shopping could wait, and so could everything else.
"I'm driving." Well duh. He'd been dead for years and we didn't exactly hold onto his car...or cars. Pretty much destroyed along with Wolfram and Hart.
"Are you coming or what?" Twirling the keys I walked up the stairs keeping ahead of her as she tried to take them back. "Come on Cor, I taught you better then that. You have to be quicker."
"Fine. You get your way this time. But don't think it'll happen again, Mr." I gave him my serious face for all of a second before the wide grin broke out again. Sure, he'd been dead and incorporeal for years, I'd let him get his jollies on driving if that's what he really wanted. Please tell me I just did not think the word jollies. Oh well, at least it beat brooding in the dark and reading some depressing book.
Opened the passenger door for her, giving the car a once over. "It looks nice, but does it actually go fast?" Raised an eyebrow towards her as she sat, walking around and getting in myself. "You actually bought a stick? Who are you really?"
"Sorry not all of us can drive a symbol that would make certain Psychologists go hmmmm." I shot back at him, just as he closed the passenger side door.
My eyes drifted to the driver's side as he got in and started the car up. Hey, driving a stick shift was cheaper than buying an easy car. Cause automatics? Way easier, especially when you're trying to talk on your cellphone, and change a cd and reapply lipstick through downtown traffic. "Oh, just the local vision girl. The local vision girl whose starting to wonder where we're going."
Grabbed a gear and shot the car into traffic, hearing horns errupt from behind as I shifted and hit the expressway. Maybe the only good thing about being a vampire in LA was the fact the traffic actually moved when I was out and about.
I headed north a little ways until the city faded, then I turned west finding the narrow road that led up the bluffs overlooking the beach. She had wanted to meet me here once. Better late then never.
We drove up a windy road that I recognized all too well. The place Skip had stopped time and told me all about the sham that was me being a higher power. Ugh. Skip and his personable talking and lying and have I mentioned how glad I was that someone ended up killing him?
When we got to the bluffs, I looked at Angel for a second before opening the door and stepping out onto the sand. I looked out at the water before turning back to Angel who was walking up behind me. Ofering him a small smile I turned to the ocean once again. "That day should have happened." I said quietly.
"I thought about you a lot while I was down there you know. Wondered if you had shown up, what you wanted to tell me. There was at least a good week where I thought you wanted to tell me you and Faith were running off to live in Guatamala."
Standing behind her we both stared out at the dark ocean. We had both missed out, I hope thats over.
"It was horrible being trapped up there. I could feel you, I knew you were in trouble and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. I was so unbelievably bored with all that time to kill and no vampires to bail out of sticky situations." Shaking my head, I crossed my arms over my chest trying to block out the slight chill in the air.
"And then when I came back, it was like being trapped. I couldn't do anything." I looked up into those familiar dark eyes guiltily. So sure, his alter ego tied me naked to the stairwell. My alter ego? Pretty much destroyed the bond he could have had with the only son he'd ever have. Not to mention eating people? Eww.
Brushing a stray strand of hair away from her eyes I knew she still blamed herself for that. Guess she had learned how to brood over the years too.
"If I couldn't have gotten the Powers to bring you back there wouldn't have been any deal. It isn't like you to hold onto guilt like that, so don't do it. Especially not for me."
Answered her question with one of my own. Might not be the smartest guy in the world when it comes to women but I'd managed to figure enough out over the years. She had wanted to tell me, well, we all know what she'd wanted to say. And it wasn't about shopping or a vision or my hair for once.
Maybe I should just blurt it out, see what happens. Find out if I'm the fool here, if she can really love a vampire, if...screw it. "I love you Cordelia Chase."
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