Song Translation

Apr 08, 2006 15:04

Erlack, 不想长大 (Don't Want to Grow Up), by S.H.E., was translated a long time ago by my cousin and I, but I never posted it or did anything with it. So, I decided to post it up here. For all you fans of Mandarin-Pop, enjoy!

不想长大: Listen to Me

Don’t Want to Grow Up
Sung By: S.H.E.
CD: Once Upon a Time
Lyrics Translated By: ASL&JRW

為什麼就是找不到 不謝的玫瑰花
為什麼遇見的王子 都不夠王子啊
我並不期盼他會有 玻璃鞋和白馬
我驚訝的是 情話竟然 會變成謊話

為什麼幸福的青鳥 要飛得那麼高
為什麼蘋果和擁抱 都可能是毒藥
我從沒想過有了他 還孤單的可怕

我不想 我不想 不想長大
長大後 世界就 沒童話
我不想 我不想 不想長大
我寧願 永遠都 笨又傻
我不想 我不想 不想長大
長大後 我就會 失去他
我深愛的他 深愛我的他 已經變得不像他
(怎麼會 愛上別個她)

為什麼水晶球裏面 看不出他在變
為什麼結局沒歡笑 而是淚流滿面
我願意在他回來前 繼續安靜沉睡
但他已去到 別座城堡 吻另一雙嘴

為什麼對流星許願 卻從來沒實現
為什麼英勇的騎士 會比龍還危險
我當然知道這世界 不會完美無暇

讓我們回去從前好不好 天真愚蠢快樂美好

Why can’t I find an immortal rose?
Why can’t I find that perfect prince?
I hadn’t expected him to have [1]
A glass slipper or white horse,
But I didn’t expect
That his words of love
Would turn to lies.

Why does the blue bird (of happiness)
Have to fly so high?
Why do apples and embraces
Become poisonous?

I never thought that with him beside me
I would still be lonely and scared.
I suddenly remember my comforts from childhood [2].

*I don’t want to,
I don’t want to,
Don’t want to ever grow up.
I don’t want to grow up into a world without fairytales.

I don’t want to,
I don’t want to,
Don’t want to ever grow up.
I’d rather stay foolish forever.

I don’t want to,
I don’t want to,
Don’t want to ever grow up,
Because when I do, I’ll lose him.

The one I love so deeply,
The one who loves me so deeply,
Just isn’t himself anymore.
(How could he fall in love with another?)*

Why didn’t I see
His change in the crystal ball?
Why isn’t there ever a happy ending,
Only tears of despair?

I’m willing to sleep until he returns,
But he already went to another castle
To kiss another pair of lips.

Why don’t wishes made on falling stars
Ever come true?
Why is the knight more dangerous
Than the dragon?

Of course I know that this world isn’t perfect,
But still I wish that love wasn’t so complex.


Can we still return to the beginning,
When we were still



[1] Literal meaning: I don’t need him to have
[2] Literal meaning: I suddenly remember a doll that used to be with me

mandarin-pop, song translation

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