hamsterssssss!! NO!!punkassfaeryMarch 1 2006, 20:12:33 UTC
my lil sister (who is mad bout animals) made my dad get 3 hamsters a long time ago. they multiplied like crazy (i wuld know...i saw them 'doing it' and at one point we had over 20 lil fuckers running round in 3 very smelly cages. i hated the entire experience cuz i dont even like friggin animals. but the babies are beautiful and soft. but i guess if they are sterilised they wont be a big problemo. so have fun cuz they are pretty funny creatures.
Re: hamsterssssss!! NO!!wicked_danuMarch 2 2006, 09:30:55 UTC
Ok, I dunno where you got your hamsters from.. but these have been sterilized. Well, that's what I've been told. I'm just praying that I don't have any more of 'those little fuckers' being born in that cage.
Re: hamsterssssss!! NO!!wicked_danuMarch 3 2006, 09:33:46 UTC
People, I think they just keep their babies in their mouths to protect them from danger. Like crocodiles carry their babies in their mouth to the river to prevent anything from attacking them?
this is jennifer from school, if you didnt know.
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