What's up with people in Islamic cunt-ries boycotting Danish products? So a Danish newspaper published a bunch of caricatures "depicting" Muhammad? Big deal! Muhammad was a human, no? Had the features of a human? So why is it so "blasphemous" to sketch him?
They want the Danish government to apologize. WTF? The Danish government didn't prompt the newspaper to publish caricatures of that kind, unlike here, where newspapers are encouraged to do their best to demonize Israel and [the now dying] Sharon.
Muslims can be such pricks, sometimes. Every darn Muslim says "La ilaaha illallah; Muhammadan rasool-ullah", "There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah." Muhammad is just their messenger when it comes to bitching about caricatures in a newspaper or when it comes to hurling insults/curses at followers of other religions. But when it comes to keeping the law, more than 90% of the Muslims will ignore some or the other law. If you think he's your messenger and you actually revere him, start living like a Muslim to the core and obey ALL the laws that he laid down. If you choose not to obey even one, stop your sorry proclaimations about him being the messenger of God and having rights over other people's souls.
A very good example of hypocrisy can be given of the city of Dubai. The UAE proclaims itself to be an Islamic country and quickly punishes those who go against the Islamic laws of say, eating in public during the Ramadan fasts or the law of having sex with members of the same sex. But what about the much emphasized law of forbidding the consumption of alcohol? But rest assured that we have bars here, even though the Qur'an says: "Believers, wine and games of chance, idols and divining arrows are abominations devised by Satan. Avoid them, so that you may prosper." [
Chapter 5, The Spread Table, verse 90].
I think we should all just learn to laugh at ourselves a little bit, so we don't go over the edge with anger when it comes to sensitive things like religion.
"Blessed are those who learn to laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
-- Anonymous.