My brother and I do the stupidest things. We IM each other on MSN - he from his laptop, me from the PC. And both of us are in the same room, just a few feet away from each other.
Here, we have a term for such acts of boredom: khwaar, with the 'kh' being pronounced like the 'ch' in Chanukah or the 'ch' in 'Loch Ness'. A khwaar is a person who does khwaari i.e. engages in things that are completely useless, solely because this bored person has nothing better to do - much like I'm doing now, typing this.
Santa is a khwaar.
In other news, I'm flying to India tomorrow. My father's uncle has to attend a religious lecture, the Zikra Majlis in Surat, Gujurat, India. I'm going with him to help him travel to, in and from India. It's gonna be awkward, because I went for the Zikra Majlis in 1999, when I was 11 and a fanatic
Bohri Muslim.. and now I'm not. The majlis is an annual Bohri thing, where the Bohri leader,
Dr Muhammad Burhanuddin speaks for about 6 hours straight, with plenty of coughing, clearing a blocked nose and occasional weeping. After the lecture, food is served, which is what most Bohris attend this majlis for. Oh the sheer joy of mixing with that unhygienic, smelly lot of loud and bossy Bohris! I can't wait!!
On the down side, my ass is going to be numb, sitting in the same position for more than 20 minutes. And unlike in a church or synagogue, people in a mosque sit with their behinds on carpeted floors and such. But we might be in the VIP section, since my dad's uncle is a pretty influential person. Goodbye sore butt, hello sleepless eyes!
I'll return to Dubai on the 28th, so I'm missing three perfectly useful days on which I could have gotten a lot done, studies-wise. Maybe I'll take my Math worksheet along and solve trigonometrical problems while His Holiness Dr Burhanuddin wheezes.