Okay, I've got a lot of things to write about.
First comes my classmate in Math class, Joshua. Mr Warren had distributed our checked and marked test papers from Saturday's test and he was checking the other class' test papers. So naturally, everyone was out of their seats and chatting with people. I was in the corner of the room with Abhishek, Natasha, Denise, Tarun and Joshua. Joshua came up to me and he was all like, "Dude, I need to talk to you."
Me: "About what?"
Joshua [pulling my arm]: "Come here, I just need to talk to you."
I went over to the side with him. He began, "Ok, look, I.. uh.. I have these feelings for you."
I was thinking, "Liar!" Instead, I said, "What, like you hate me or something?"
For some reason, he excused himself and went over to Tarun. Came back and said, "Yeah, so I have these feelings for you."
"See, I've noticed you around and I think you look kinda cute."
"Ok, and I know that you're lying and you're just playing a prank on me."
"No, I'm not. Really.”
At that moment, Mr Warren looked up and saw what a mess the class was. He yelled at us to get back to our seats.
Joshua said, “Ok, dude, talk t’you after class.”
The green-eyed dude hasn’t talked to me till now. He’s such a.. ugh! I’d say something nasty about him if I wasn’t totally mesmerized by his eyes. I wanted to say something like, ‘You’re too ugly for me.’ or ‘What a coincidence! I think I’m cute too!’ But I usually think of smart things to say, after the situation has passed.
Secondly, my friend Ama from Physics, voluntarily fainted today. Yes, you can try this at home, if another person is around to help you. This other fella was telling him how he could cause himself to fall unconscious and Ama thought it was bullshit, so he tried it. He crouched down and touched his shoulders with the opposite hands, kinda forming an ‘x’ with his arms. Then he inhaled and exhaled really quickly, for some time and then stood up really fast, so that gave him a head rush. The guy standing next to Ama then lifted Ama up by his chest, pushing his chest inwards and upwards, to squeeze the air out of his lungs. It didn’t work the first time, but the second time Ama tried it, he actually let out a wheeze before he dropped unconscious, hitting his head on the brick wall which he was standing near. The guy who was urging Ama to do all this tried to revive him and Ama woke up, dazed and confused. Then he realized what had happened and smiled. My friend Jafar recorded it on video on his cellphone. Mr D’Souza later came and confiscated the cellphone while we were watching the video. My headphones were attached to the cellphone and they went along with it to Mr D’s office. Fruck!
Ama said that when he first woke up, he wondered why his head was hurting, why he was lying next to a brick wall and what his school friends were doing around him. Oooh.. it’s so intriguing. I wanna try it, but I’m too big of a sissy.
Thirdly, I argued with two guys over my favorite topic. You guessed it, I was doing some religion-bashing in the library! These two guys, Ahmed and Shehzad, were looking at illustrations of the ‘Sexual Reproduction’ chapter in the Biology textbook. They came to this one page about sexually transmitted diseases and there was a picture of a guy with boils on his back due to syphilis. Ahmed asked me how the HIV virus had affected the humans. I told him that it dates back from when we were apes and were evolving into humans. Of course, Biology student and a Muslim, he asked, “Do you really believe in all the evolution stuff or do you believe that Allah created it?” I stated my very scientific belief and he began to question me. I even told him that I wasn’t a Muslim any more and I told him about a couple of Qur’anic verses that don’t really support the scientifically proved age of the Earth. The verses say that the heavens and earth were created in six days [
32:4], and the very next verse says that a day with Allah is a thousand years of human reckoning. Assuming both to be true, six times one thousand gives six thousand years. Nope, not even close to the geological estimate of 4 billion years. Aha, four thousand thousand thousand years.
I had to leave after that, to monitor a class, but I returned soon. We argued some more. I asked him how he could call himself a Muslim if he has had alcohol. He said, “I just drank it once, out of curiosity.” Whatever. He argued with the Christian guy sitting across him about Jesus’ death and with the Shi’ite Muslim guy nearby about some of Muhammad’s sayings [Ahmed is a Sunni Muslim]. Meanwhile, Shehzad asked me why I didn’t believe in Islam. When I said it doesn’t make sense to me, he asked me, “But what about all the miracles?” Umm.. no comment. Well, actually I do have a comment. WTF? I can’t believe in things that are best suited to be part of fairy tales.
Ammi and I wasted over an hour in bumper to bumper traffic to go to my school for the PTA meeting. The parking was extra-crowded with people yelling sweet things out of their car windows. Inside school, there was a huge queue of eager parents to meet both Mr Warren and Mr Paul. Ammi and I stood in Mr Paul’s queue for a while, but we soon got tired and left. Way to waste time! :D