Nov 03, 2005 00:00
Can you all say 'Eid Mubarak'? It's Eed Moo·bah·ruk. The word eid means 'happy day' in Arabic so 'Eid Meelad Sa'eed' means 'Happy Birthday!' or 'Eid Meelad' simply, means 'Christmas'. Stuff like that. Mubarak means 'blessed'. So say it. Eid Mubarak!
Ok, enough of linguistics. Today was quite a lot of fun. Ammi made sheerkhurma. 'Twas heavenly. That girl works miracles with food. Sheerkhurma is a concoction with a milk base and nuts [not testicles], vermicelli, cinnamon and cardamom added to it. Oh, and sweetener. Mmmmm... I want a tub of sheerkhurma. Now. Not a tub, a house full of it. A mansion. A castle. An endless supply. Can we all say 'greedy freak'?
Abeer and I went to Ibn Battuta Mall to get some hair color because Abeer had convinced me to color my hair along the shades of brown. We also had to get the Eid gift that my mom gave me exchanged. So first we went and did the exchanging stuff, I got a sweater sort of thing from Giordano's winter collection and I really like the color. After that, we went to Géant to get the hair color. After THAT, Abeer wanted to go get something for her boyfriend for Eid, so we roamed around the mall for a bit. Then we saw him. Yes, him. The most beautiful guy I've seen... today. We were just walking out of a store and he was walking towards us [well, in our general direction] and both Abeer and I saw him. Abeer turned to me and said, "Oh, I'm in love." I replied, "Me too."
We actually followed the guy around and he was very much aware of it, lol. Talk about discomfort!
Then, while I was looking at him and daydreaming, Abeer ruined all the fun when she started complaining about her feet and her shoes. Uff.
After we lost him, it was just aimless walking around, trying to find a blasted gift for Abeer's beau. Waste of time, because we found nothing.
AND, I didn't color my hair medium brown because my dad told me not to do it... apparently some chemical in it harms all the roots of the hair and hair starts graying soon. Oh well. Fun day and I'm very grateful.
ibn battuta,