Oh Hurrah, another fidiot

Aug 29, 2005 10:56

"Why wait?" he asks. "The whole world should convert to Islam. Now."
"First, let's gather the leaders of all religions. Then, let's apply their principles and assess the results... Finally, let's proclaim the victory of Islam."

Elohai! This new Egyptian presidential candidate, who claims to have a PhD [not a 'pretty huge dick'] in accounting, wants to convert the whole world to Islam as soon as possible. Here's the whole article.

I just can't wait to hear layla1188 bitch about this. It's gonna be so much fun!

And I so wanna be there when they're converting Mr Bush, Jr. They'll probably rename him something like Jareer Wajeehuddin Basheer. I also wanna watch when Janet Jackson prays in the Islamic style for the first time... one [or both] of her boobs is gonna pop out when she goes into sajdah1, like what happened in the Superbowl in 2004. And is the Dalai Lama gonna help the Muslim Conversion Committee burn down the serene Buddhist monasteries?

Will the Korean people give up their reptile-laden diet to comply with the dietary laws of Islam?
Are the French gonna have to drink water instead of wine, now?
Will our Hindu friends say "Bismillah2" and start eating cows?
Will we hear the Texans say stuff like "Salam 'Alaykum3 y'all!" or "Hurry y'all, Iqamah4!"?

Seriously, my grandma would make a better presidential candidate.

It's unbelievable, how pretentious these Egyptian politicians are. They'll do anything to get the support of the masses. A while ago, one of these idiots declared that Egypt was gonna sue the Jews of the world, especially the Zionist ones living in Israel, for some trillions of dollars. 'Why?', you'd ask. Because, according to the Exodus story, every Jewish family took some gold/jewels/valuables from their Egyptian neighbors when they were being driven out of Egypt on Passover night so now they have to pay that back.
First of all, this legal "scholar" seems to be fucked in the head because Islam verifies the Exodus story as well and Musa5 and the Bani Isra'eel6 are mentioned several times in the Qur'an. If the Jews were commanded by God [who the Muslims also believe in] to take whatever they took from the Egyptians, there should be need to sue because it was all ordered by God, yeah?
Secondly, our Jewish friends were very smart on this matter. They announced that if the Egyptians scholar went ahead with the lawsuit, they'd file a counter-claim for all the unpaid wages of the Jews who were forced to work as slaves in Ancient Egypt. Very, very clever, indeed.
Thirdly, I think the State of Israel should file a lawsuit against the prophet Muhammad for war crimes against the the Medinan Jewish tribe of Bani Qurayzah. Sound stupid? Their men were sentenced to die and their women and children were sold into slavery, on the orders of Muhammad. And this was just one of the many atrocities carried out by Arabs against their Semite cousins.

I wonder when these idiots will stop trying to attract the world's attention by making such controversial statements. Right now we oughta think about the Hurricane Katrina and the fate of those people in its path. And what we can do to help them.

1. Sajdah: Part of Islamic prayer involving prostration and repeating a formula in Arabic.
2. Bismillah: Arabic phrase, meaning 'In the name of Allah'. Muslims say this whenever they start anything.
3. Salam 'Alaykum: Arabic/Islamic greeting, meaning 'Peace be upon you all'.
4. Iqamah: The second and final call to prayer - the prayer starts immediately after this is sounded.
5. Musa is the Arabic version of the name 'Moses'
6. Bani Isra'eel: Children of Israel.

In other news, Michael Jackson is here touring in Dubai for the very first time. I don't think he's performing or anything, just visiting. I'm glad the Dubai Summer Surprises are over and the kids are safely back in their homes, preparing to go back to school.

michael jackson, egypt, israel, islam, jews

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