I'm back home in Dubai once again. This is getting a bit ridiculous to be honest. I feel like I've spent more time at home than in Newcastle this year. It's not true, obviously, but it really does feel like I've been in Dubai since September.
But then I think back to all those bloody cold nights in Newcastle, those full days in the med school, those walks down to uni with Aleea, those nights out.. yeah I've been away from home too long!
It's different being home this time. The last two times (Xmas last year and last summer), the air was charged when I came back, people were excited to see me. Now it's just like 'Oh right you're back.. again! Hihowareyouhow'slondon.' I know this makes it sound like I think I'm really important - but that's not what I mean. Maybe it's just a busy time of the year.. I mean Abeer's got finals in a week, my two best mates aren't even in town(!) and neither is my brother, other people have actual jobs which I'm jealous of.
Fair enough, I mean I have to study for my January exams too. Just wanna have a little more fun though! :)
But this is what life's gonna be like from now. Schedules aren't gonna match, people are gonna have their own things to do, I'm gonna have my own things to do. Can't take friends for granted anymore.
I have a plan brewing in my head.
A plan for the two big assignments I have to submit in the new year. I need to start writing both of them, at least a bit of both before the end of this month.
A plan for getting a job later in the semester, like I did last year so I can earn some dosh for my elective after fourth year. Instead of going the difficult way and working at Subway, I might do what my flatmate did over the summer - earning like £7/hour for stapling, punching holes and that. Dunno.
In other news, I'm grateful to the Pope for
opening our eyes to our blatant ignorance. Obviously, we were stupid for
a) being genuinely concerned about the reduction in rainforest area
b) thinking that the homosexuellen were saving the day by NOT breeding and sending the world's already-colossal head-count flying through the roof.
We have learnt from our mistakes. We will go back to arresting, torturing, raping, beating and lynching gay men and women (and oh, the trannies too - can't forget them lot) just so we can save humanity from them. And so our kids can grow up in a safe environment with hordes of Catholic priests around who will 'love' them..
Sorry mate, your philosophy is the intellectual equivalent of donkey balls. (Please imagine little scrotal hairs growing off that phrase just to drive the point home.)
Yalla, go home.