May 27, 2008 20:20
I had no real plans for today, so I went to Hyde Park first, in search of the Speakers' Corner because Abeer's mum had told me that there's some random White lady there who routinely raises her voice against all the immigrants in the country and tells them to "go back". Alas, I had no success.
I took the Tube to Oxford Circus which was a single tube stop away from Hyde Park Corner. It takes you to Oxford Street which is a sort of high street in London along with its neighbor, Bond Street. Basically I walked up and down Oxford Street quite aimlessly. Went to Primark and bought a pair of incredibly uncomfortable black flip-flops. It's Primark, I should've known.
I was walking around in search of a Nokia store to get a USB data transfer cable for my phone which is getting sort of clogged up with pictures now but I couldn't find the store. I was stopped by a pretty young lady who was collecting names and addresses for a UNICEF campaign. She had a foreign accent and I saw her name tag said 'Yael', so I asked her if she was Israeli. Yes, she said, she was.
"Medaberet ivreet?" I asked her, do you speak Hebrew? Stupid question, I know.
"Yes," she said in English, a bit weirded out.
She asked me how I speak Hebrew, so I told her my dazzling story. Then I asked her if she had come from the aaretz (the Land, i.e. Israel) and she told me she was from Jerusalem.
I was blatantly hogging too much of her time so I asked her when she would have her break. She said she'd get it at noon, and since it was 11:50, I asked her if she'd like to have coffee with me. She said she needed green hairspray and asked me where I could find it. I pointed her in the direction of the nearest Boots chemists outlet and she said I was welcome to come along if I wanted.
So I went with her to buy hairspray. We didn't speak in Hebrew. We didn't speak much. We talked about what we did in life. Then she went to sit with her workmates and I went and sat with them. Among other things, we talked about Israeli music - she thinks Etti Ankri is a good artist too! - and Israelis doing drugs in India.
Didn't do much after that - walked up and down Oxford Street with my friend Saad. We went into a sex shop and stood there laughing at all the funny dildos and fists. Saad was quite embarrassed. We even went to Soho, which is very simply, a village of vice.
Tesco sells two liters of still water for 17p. And I pay for such ridiculous amounts by card.