Survey I yanked from Jordan

Jul 26, 2008 22:41

LAYER ONE: On the Outside
Name: Taylor McCutcheon
Birth date: 5-11-1983
Birthplace: Providence, RI
Current Location: New York City
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blond
Height: 5' 9"
Righty or Lefty: Lefty
Zodiac Sign: Taurus

LAYER TWO: On The Inside
Your heritage: Irish, some Quebecoise (French-Canadian) and German too
Shoes you wore today: Uh... sneakers?
Your weakness: My childhood. A girl with a pretty smile.
Your fears: Eh, I don't know. Mostly just rejection.
Your perfect pizza: Everything but mushrooms, thin and crispy
Goal you'd like to achieve: Not be like my parents.

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your most overused phrase on AIM: lol
Your thoughts upon first waking up: snooze button
Your best physical feature: My eyes
Your bedtime: Depends on what shifts I get stuck working.
Your most missed memory: Playing soccer at RIC, being a rookie in Boston.

Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Whatever is most convenient, I guess that's the point.
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Adidas (the whole soccer thing)
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Don't really like tea.
Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee. Even a cappuccino is too fru-fru.

Smoke: Yes
Cuss: Yes
Sing: No
Take a shower everyday: Yes.
Have a crush(es): Sadly yeah. I like to think of them as having a thing for someone, not a crush.
Think you've been in love: No.
Like(d) high school: I hated it. Probably why I almost got kicked out.
Want to get married: Maybe
Believe in yourself: Occasionally.
Get motion sickness: No.
Think you're attractive: Attractive enough.
Think you're a health freak: No.
Get along with your parents: Is there anything more harsh than no?
Like thunderstorms: Yeah. I've always thought lightening was wicked cool.
Play an instrument: No.

LAYER SIX: In the past month…
Drank alcohol: Yes
Smoked: Yes
Done a drug: Nyquil.
Gone on a date: Yes
Gone to the mall?: No
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Had a couple at this girl's place.
Been on stage: No.
Been dumped: No.
Gone skating: Nah.
Gone skinny dipping: Nah just got down to my boxers. I was with this girl, we were drunk, it was late... long story.
Dyed your hair: Oh yeah. You know I get monthly highlights right?
Stolen anything: No.

Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes
Been caught "doing something": Yes
Been called a tease: Yes
Gotten beaten up: Yes
Shoplifted: Yeah.

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: Not 25, I'll tell you that much.
How do you want to die: Old, with loved ones and painlessly.
What do you want to be when you grow up: I get it, I'm still immature. But I guess I'm going to go with cop.
What country would you most like to visit: Somewhere warm, maybe Mexico? I've only been in a few states to be honest. I'm not well traveled.

LAYER NINE: In a girl/guy
Best eye color?: I like brown eyes but I'm not picky.
Best hair color?: Not gray. I like dark hair though.
Short or long hair: Longer than mine at any given time.
Height: Eh usually shorter than me, I'm not very tall. But if a girl is taller than me that's okay.
Best articles of clothing: Good fitting jeans.
Best first date location: Coffee shop, any place to eat on Thayer (in Providence)

LAYER TEN: In The Numbers…
Number of drugs taken illegally: More than 0, less than my mom has.
Number of people I could trust with my life: Two.
Number of CDs that I own: At least a hundred, they're old though. I use my iPod now. I really like music. I have a bunch of vinyl too.
Number of piercings: None
Number of tattoos: None.
Number of scars on my body: Way too many to count. A kind of gnarly one on my shoulder from when I had surgery.
Number of children I want: One, maybe two.
Number of things in my past that I regret: I try to not regret things. If I did, it'd be way too many.


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