my tl;dr commentpolkahontasNovember 18 2009, 00:38:21 UTC
Ugh :( I can't even imagine having to witness that.
This story is from doing extra credit for Counseling Psych. It's about animals though, which obviously aren't humans, but can get intense.
Basicaly, a vet professor shared this messed up story. There was a dog she was taking care of, with a VERY easy-to-treat issue. However, the owners - a young couple - couldn't afford it. The only person willing (and able) was the woman's mother. Well, the mother was pissed at her daughter for 1) marrying early and 2) buying a dog she couldn't afford, so her answer was "no". So the couple couldn't pay, the mom wouldn't pay, and they had a sick dog on their hands. What did they do? Choose to put the dog down (ONE WITH A VERY FIXABLE ISSUE). I don't recall WHY they couldn't give it up for adoption, etc. but the couple DID choose to euthanize the dog. So that vet professor had no other choice... she had to.
Can you imagine doing this? No, an animal isn't the same as a human child by ANY means, but still. Some poor critter was caught in a weird "custody battle", and was put down because a mom wanted to teach her daughter money lessons. Kind of like how your Tuesday morning was intense, that was one downer of a Wednesday :(
This story is from doing extra credit for Counseling Psych. It's about animals though, which obviously aren't humans, but can get intense.
Basicaly, a vet professor shared this messed up story. There was a dog she was taking care of, with a VERY easy-to-treat issue. However, the owners - a young couple - couldn't afford it. The only person willing (and able) was the woman's mother. Well, the mother was pissed at her daughter for 1) marrying early and 2) buying a dog she couldn't afford, so her answer was "no". So the couple couldn't pay, the mom wouldn't pay, and they had a sick dog on their hands. What did they do? Choose to put the dog down (ONE WITH A VERY FIXABLE ISSUE). I don't recall WHY they couldn't give it up for adoption, etc. but the couple DID choose to euthanize the dog. So that vet professor had no other choice... she had to.
Can you imagine doing this? No, an animal isn't the same as a human child by ANY means, but still. Some poor critter was caught in a weird "custody battle", and was put down because a mom wanted to teach her daughter money lessons. Kind of like how your Tuesday morning was intense, that was one downer of a Wednesday :(
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