Dorm Rooms and Coherent Thought

Jan 05, 2006 16:15

So, I'm officially dorming next term! In a dorm. With Jo ... so I express "YAY!" on such a grand scale. I'd do a dance, but not only would I look completely and utterly ridiculous - you wouldn't be able to see me anyhow. So you can just sit back and feel my joyful vibes through your computer screen. Mmm ... joy. Tastes like marshmallow Peeps.

Anyway, I promised coherent thought this time around so I will uphold my end of the bargain. Hidden safely away from those who aren't quite prepared for me attempting to make logical and possibly even relevant points on things. (You are free to escape beforehand ... No really, run.)

Brokeback Mountain:
When I first stepped out of the theater, I'll admit that I was a bit disappointed. I mean, I just felt that there was so much missing. It was only a couple of days later, listening to the theme, that it really struck me what an excellent movie Brokeback Mountain really was. (And I was promptly reduced to a sniffling blob of girl-flesh. It's always the music that gets me.)

Maybe it was because I was focusing too much on what I wanted that didn't happen. But then again, that's kind of the point isn't it? There was just so much that could have - that SHOULD have - but never did. And that's the bit that really breaks you when you stop and think.

There was so much that you were hoping for that never even had a chance. It's tragic and unfair and that's the part that really hits you. It's this broken, tarnished love story of stolen moments - of ALMOST and MAYBE and SOON - but never now. It was a perfect time that escaped the whole world, but when reality sets back in it can't fit there. It doesn't belong. Because it was perfect and perfect things can't last; it's just not the way it works. They just sweep you up for a second or two and when they're gone, you're left behind and nothing else is ever going to be good enough.

There's all this hopeless scrambling for something you've already lost, trying to hold onto something you were never meant to have. Not because it wasn't real and not because it wasn't YOURS, but because you just can't KEEP it. And that's why Brokeback Mountain transcends all of the stereotypes that you could try to put on it, because it's really not about that. It's about love and tragedy and all the things you want in life but can never quite reach.

So, yes. Listen to the music. (I myself am going to look for a copy of the story. Movies get me interested, but words make me cry.)

Please excuse me for another unnecessary moment of squeeing. Ohmigoodness! Dorming! YAY!

Note: Kronk's New Groove = LOVE (Kuzco in drag ... huh?)

babble, movies, college, love

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