Mike ~ Tarot cards 'n shit

Apr 20, 2006 15:01

Now, let's see... What have I been up to since my last update?


I've been going to college, doing D&D with some mates (a couple of who only recently started talking again), partying over the easter break, flipping out (almost breaking my hand for a third time in the process x_x) and just plain hanging out.

Borrowing Mitchell's PS2, playing Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends at the moment. Kickass game, even better since I have the DW5 disk on hand. <3

Other than that... I've just been pining for a girl. Been alone for a while now, and it isn't just the sexual side of me that's aching. There's a couple of girls I'd like to know, but unless we're seperated by at least 10 ks and the internet, I'm as shy as they come.

From KWs journal:

The Hierophant represents the Holy Spirit and connection with Life at a spiritual level. The Hierophant finds comfort and worth with the spiritual side of life rather then the physical. He represents someone who is spiritual or philosophical in nature and one in search of higher truths. The Hierophant also represents tradition in that he finds comfort and value in the new by relating it to the old tried and true ways of life. He feels that connecting with the Creator is the most effective form of action and advises prayer above other means of communication. The Hierophant depicts someone who is able to see through the superficial and get straight to the heart of the matter. The Hierophant is spiritual by nature and he shies away from religious dogma.

When reversed this card represents superficiality and a lack of moral or spiritual truths. A militaristic or dogmatic attitude, and a reliance on religious law rather then spiritual truths. A person who is rough, rigid, and only sees one path as being the only correct answer.

The Lovers card represents having to make a choice in the realm of relationships, a choice which will have a lasting impact on the relationship at hand. This may come as a proposal of marriage or simply the choice to continue or dissolve a relationship. The Lovers brings a reminder that should one not take control of their choices, one will be forced upon them by the wheel of destiny. The Lovers also represents sacrifice and that which is given up when a decision is finally made. Should one choose marriage and commitment, the freedom and playfulness of a single lifestyle is to be given up. Should one remain a bachelor then the security of a married lifestyle may have to be let go. Overall, what the Lovers card represents is that a choice is at hand and one that must be made with much care and consideration for there are always sacrifices to every decision.

When reversed this card represents thoughtlessness in handling ones relationships with others and a lack of care when making crucial decisions regarding loved ones. Being indecisive and leaving your freedom of choice up to chance.

The Moon represents the ever-changing moods and cycles of life. The Moon is closely related to the feminine aspect as well as the tides of the ocean. What one tide brings in may have little impact on us, while another may bring significant change and enlightenment. The moon works strongly with inner intuition which has a subtle influence on our everyday lives. The Moon always has an affect on life as many lives are attuned directly to the cycles that the moon presents. Farmers planting rituals are attuned to the moon, women’s menstrual cycles are also attuned to a monthly timeline like that of the moon, and the tides are largely affected on a cyclic nature. While the Moon is subtle and inconsistent, it has one constant and that is of cycles. The Moon reinforces that life refreshes and rejuvenates through the use of cycles and the more we attune to nature the more prosperous we can become.

In a reversed position this card represents direct and analytic thinking. Ones vulnerabilities are outward and apparent and need to be concealed more heavily. Disrupted cycles or a possible pregnancy.
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