even though the gods are crazy!

Jun 17, 2006 00:09

Who remembers those days when you'd update about every hour? at least everyday, and if you missed a day you felt horrible and would make an extra long post just to make up for it?

Too bad I was never a twelve year old in love with Ashton...

I graduated from high school last Friday. It was strange, but really I don't see any difference besides some piece of paper. More than half of my friends are going to the same college as I am so there won't be much difference from the past 12 years. Unless College is wayyyyyyyyy different than high school. (hopes to the powers that be that it is!!)

Erik and I have been dating five and a half months. Tonight is the first night I may not see him in over a week. I actually miss him and almost cried earlier when I was talking to him and I wouldn't ask him to come pick me up after work. How pathetic! half the time I get all moody and want to leave him... Being an over-emotional girl is quite annoying. But I called him and now he is gonna pick me up... god... I am pathetic. lol but he says it's being adorable. I can't help it. I love him too damn much (covers face... please no awws or tomato's)

I think I'm messed up in the head. I actually really like Paris Hilton's new song... I can't help it!!
Plus the video reminds me of that Wicked Game song... Issaic? whatever... I don't really like her at all, really I don't care anything about her. I just like music.

I put in my two weeks at my job tonight. Two years at Lexy's Pizzas, and I'm done at the end of June. THANK GOD!!!
I flippin' can't wait. I don't care if I end up unemployed. I can't stand it there. I feel like driving off the road half the time... I know working there is making me depressed.

I'll go to one of those places that hires for factories and get a job that pays like 10 bucks starting out. Yayness...

Well I think this is a pretty darn good post since I haven't posted in a long while.

Thanks for sticking around...
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